Schumer Screwed Up

He can’t even bring himself to say what exactly Trump did that merits him supporting a censure. He just supports it. He doesn’t know why, though. :joy:

Which is exactly why I said earlier in the thread that I don’t believe him.

No. I’m giving him a consistent answer. I learned this morning how important that is.

And now here you come…

Fine, get out your playdo and I’ll build your models for you.

What did the Senators who voted against dragging this ■■■■ out say? “Did not rise to the level of impeachment” or words to that effect. They are absolutely correct.


Because the investigation DID NOT HAPPEN. You sprang the ambush too early.

He asked.

It didn’t happen.

Asking warrants a censure. “Stop that ■■■■ !”

Now, if you let them go through with it, the Ukraine announces the investigation, you have your quid. He gives them the aid. Quo.

As it is, you are left trying to prove intent, mind reading. And he can fight that all day long.

Impeachment, the removal of a duly-elected President, is a serious, serious matter. It is a remedy for prison rape. Not stealing a kiss - asking for a favor.

You didn’t have a case for prison rape, because it didn’t happen. The announcement never came.

You had a great case for stealing a kiss.

Or another way:

You tried to try him for treason when all you had was conduct unbecoming.

TDS got in your way.


Just did. I’m old, I can bring myself to say anything.

There’s your Playdo model. Stop small thinking.

Well as I wasn’t involved, I did nothing.

But I take this convoluted answer to mean you agree that attempting to use his office to pressure a foreign country to announce investigations into his political rival was the wrong thing he did that was worthy of censure.

Thanks for that.

Because a lot of Trump supporters do not, in fact, believe that what Trump did was wrong in any way…and Trump doesn’t either.

Therefore, Trump would fight a censure as hard as he would fight impeachment…and would have the support of his base to do so.

Hence…Believing that Senators would vote down a censure as well and not really have to explain anything is not in any ways a “ridiculous supposition”.

Semantics? Seriously? Fine, you ©. Your side.

I hit send too soon…was looping back to our previous discussion.

So because he got caught and released the aid before the announcement of an investigation a censure is the answer?


Yeah, I still do not for a second believe that you support a censure.

But yeah, TDS, whatever you need to tell youself to make you happy.

There is absolutely nothing convoluted about my answer.

Again trying to mind read. Trying to paint them as bad people. You really need to stop doing that. What does it say about you that you supported a treason outcome for conduct unbecoming?

Mind reading again. Impeachment was unjust for the case. He was right to be outraged. Censure was just. He can’t fight it. And he doesn’t control those Senators.

Of course it is. Because they are two entirely different courses of action, requiring two completely different justifications.

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Pelosi and Schumer will be fine going forward.

Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer understood from Day One that Moscow Mitch and his band of cowards would never act to remove Donald Trump.

Republicans will claim victory because Trump will title this a vindication.

Democrats will go forward believing they won because the high handed manner in which the Republicans acted (first impeachment trial ever without witnesses) will provide a huge talking point for turning out Democratic supporters in all 2020 races.

Meanwhile, information will continue to emerge. Just yesterday, we learned from John Bolton that Pat Cipollone – one of Trump’s lawyers – was present at a meeting in which Trump pressured Bolton to support Trump’s abuser of power. And then Cipollone appeared before the Senate as a party to the case (in which he was implicated!)

The Senate fell into a well crafted political trap and, in their fear of doing anything that Trump would disapprove, they have done something that 70-80% of the American people disapprove (wanting witnesses).

This is not the easy win you think it is.

Its funny how it works (not you in particular). Now that its safe after the vote has failed, we are seeing GOP Senators coming out and saying that what Trump did was wrong…Just pictures of courage aren’t they?..

No, because the announcement was never made. You © have no quid. He asked for something that didn’t happen.

Do I need to repeat myself yet again? Do a search for my posts and “censure” and come back and eat your


I don’t need to tell myself anything to be happy. I simply am happy.

TDS, overreaching, hysteria, “We got 'im now!” Call it whatever you want, it’s what happened. In the zeal to tar and feather him, your leaders got way ahead of themselves. Just like the Russia thing. Just like with Kavan… wait! Is there a pattern?

@SixFoot you’re my pattern guy, what do you think.

Emotions are ruling the day. You © hate his personality so much it’s clouding your © judgment. He’s turned you © into fanatics. A lot of it is probably frustration that you can’t beat him. But even deeper you © can’t understand why everyone doesn’t see your © vision as The One True Way.

And of course you © grossly underestimate the loathing many Americans have for libism.


You © overcharged. Of course it was “wrong”, at a minimum it was horrible political optics. His stupid crap has allowed a complete shutting down of the agenda for months several times now. The inefficiencies are staggering, and mostly self-inflicted.

Would it be “courage” to vote “guilty” in a murder trial in which no one was actually killed?

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^ Please, froth some more. Maybe post a meme from T_D ^

And tell us how attempted robbery of a bank isn’t a big deal if you don’t actually get away with the money.

Because a censure is a joke compared to Trump’s actions.

Perfect example of what I’m talking about. They are cowards because you didn’t get the outcome you wanted.



You messed your Playdo model all up in a tantrum. That’s not rational.

I’m not painting anyone as “bad people”.

I’m trying to tell you how censure would go down.

In flames…just like impeachment.

You’re the one reading things into what I’m saying that I did not.

Ahh…going with the no murder Sean Hannity talking point…lol. How about attempted murder? It would be courage to hear the evidence of attempted murder against your buddy, instead of just dismissing it out right because he’s your buddy, and he didnt actually kill the guy anyway?. Thats courage.

It wouldn’t be a murder trial if no one was actually killed.

It would be a trial for attempted murder…which is, of course, a thing.

Is censure even a possibility during the impeachment process??

Has it ever been the result of any impeachment process??

Or attempted bribery…or attempted robbery etc etc. I guess it only counts if your crime was successful…lol