Satanic temple official recognized as a church

I’m not sure those places should be in the center of town squares which we typically reserve for war heroes, town founders or great historical figures.

How is this “disliking christianity”?

Hard to change the narrative about whether it is glorification when they are seated on horses facing North to defend the South.

They are being held in a place of honor. Honor that they do not deserve.

If people are concerned about keeping the statues on display where they are then I think that a good compromise would be to remove them from their pedestals and place them in a deep hole so people can look down upon them… because that is the honor that they deserve.

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I doubt the satanic temple has enabled and protected child molesters like christian organizations have…


Probably not to the extent…in real life, that is. Pizzagate was a lie…McMartin PreSchool was a lie.

No me neither. Remember what I said earlier about Historical Markers as I was a kid. They used to be at the site of something historical. Often times on a US or State Highway or just off of one of those. They were destinations where you went to learn of the history of something. But at the site of a battle field or something like that.

I hear ya. I always liked reading the plaques.

There are some apps for your phone now so you don’t have to stop at each one anymore.

Looks more like truth serum.

Kool Aid drinkers tend to think both sides were equal.

(yes, there were bad actors that were anti-protesters, but one group actually had to have a funeral due to the people you appear to be defending)

True story, I live in a town that has a world war two tank. It used to face north. Toward the two towns with largely African American populations. When my dad was a city councilman many many years ago. He got the town to turn the tank around as it was pretty offensive to these two other towns. The town made a big deal out of it and didn’t want the change made. The city council voted on the resolution and they lifted the tank up, swung it around and it now faces our town. It’s still a historical land mark/ artifact…but it no longer is offensive to our visitors from the north.

That’s how you change the narrative. I don’t know, maybe that is harder to do in the south. I am not from the south, so I don’t know.

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I grew up in Virginia… so it is pretty baked in there.

For example. Go and find some old articles when there was a push to put up an Arthur Ashe Statue on Monmument Ave in Richmond.

Monument Ave has statues of Virginian Heroes… mostly Confederates.

This is back in the 90’s and the filter came off for a little while.

My issue with the Arthur Ashe statue is that it is a particularly ■■■■■■ statue.

Dude should have been on a horse lobbing a tennis ball.

So what do we do with statues of Thomas Jefferson?

Did he fight for the confederacy?

He ignored part of my post on purpose.

An incredibly horrific situation where a mother and father, are presented with the fact the baby they dearly wanted, and was preparing their lives for, is in such futile physical condition, that life outside the womb is virtually impossible. They are then forced to make a decision on one should have to make.

Now, if you think it is legal for a woman can get an abortion of a late term healthy baby, well, that is simply a crazy myth perpetuated by people, who you possibly follow.

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I concur.
When I visited Mt. Vernon, they still had the slave quarters on display. Showed how we treated slaves back then.

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How many piss jesus’ are on display?

and in the public square?

I remember it being displayed in art galleries I think in New York for quite a while. It doesn’t matter how many of anything, it only takes one doesn’t it.

I find there is no debate with left on this issue as this issue itself is often used to shutdown debates. It is not a twist of ratiocination to say that racists are bad as well as antifa who show up and commit violence. Both are bad and neither should be socially acceptable.

I know the ‘in’ thing to do is to say that the president was saying the tiki torch people were good people, but when you look at the actual text it is not really what he said. Now was it the right thing to say? Probably not, but I hear it used as “Trump said the Nazi’s are good people”, I think this people treat his words like a rorschach test and draw the conclusion that best fits their narrative.

The actual quote from the President.

“Excuse me, they didn’t put themselves down as neo-Nazis, and you had some very bad people in that group. But you also had people that were very fine people on both sides. You had people in that group – excuse me, excuse me, I saw the same pictures you did. You had people in that group that were there to protest the taking down of, to them, a very, very important statue and the renaming of a park from Robert E. Lee to another name.”