Satanic temple official recognized as a church

Everytime someone complains about Andre Serrano and his fraudulent art… God kills a kitten.

True Story.


Art Galleries are privately owned.

I have seen Serrano in museums. I still think the dude is a fraud… like 90% of contemporary art.

His work… if it is remembered, will be remembered for the controversy… not the art.

It seems like every couple of months I have to type out this explanation.

I will be very kind and understand that there were a certain subset of people who did not understand that the “Unite the Right Rally” was by White Supremamcists, for White Supremacists, for the purpose of furthering the goals of White Supremacy.

I will also be very kind and understand that there may have been people who did not see the news of the prior nights “Jews will not Replace us” tiki torch march.

But… when someone shows up to a rally and sees swastikas and the myriad of symbols of White Supremacy being displayed and they don’t immediately turn around and leave but instead choose to march alongside them…

Then they are not good people.


Wow jumping right to Charlottesville. Interesting.

If they showed up, heard “Jews will not replace us” and saw swastikas, and they were "good’ people, then they would have gone home and not marched with those people. End of story. Trump mushmouthed it because he was scared of upsetting the racists in his base.


The same reason you’re so impressed with “Hilldawg”…

I really wish i was surprised that this has to be explained…


It’s quiet possible the people who were there did get the message that the unite the right group was bad which could be the reason only 20-30 people showed up at the next unite the right event in D.C.

I am not defending this despicable group, but by the same logic when Antifa and their ilk shows up cladding all black, macing people, hitting them with bike locks and setting fire to Berkeley all to shut down a conservative speaker then all of the peaceful protestors there as well are not good people.

I have np condemning racism, but there seems to be a sizable portion on the left who has a hard time doing the same with antifa. They are every bit as despicable in my book they go out of their way to commit violence and shut down speech. I understand if you don’t feel that way but to me there was two evil political entities in the 20th century, one was fascism and the other communism. For whatever reason we know when to call out the idiots wearing the swastikas but a Che Guevara shirt is considered chic among portions of the left.

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The reason that the second Unite the Right rally in DC was a bust was because Jason Kessler, who was the prime organizer of the Charlottesville rally, was actively shunned by his white supremacists buddies after the disaster that ended in a woman’s death.

This is a pretty well known documented

And for the record… I dock the same amount of perceived IQ points from people who wear Che gear and MAGA hats.

People who willingly march alongside NAZIs and the KKK are not good people.

There is no getting around that.


I don’t think so.

You’re trying to rationalize with a group that everything and I mean everything capital E is based upon the skin pigmentation one is born with. Good luck with that.:rofl:

Neither side went to Charlottesville to talk. Both antifa and unite the right went fully expecting and prepared for violence and willfully participated in such. There are many records, such as emails and messages where they discussed violence and some were clearly looking forward to it and fully intended to crack some heads.

A lot of counter protesters however were not antifa and had no intention or desire to commit acts of violence, perhaps even most of them. Unite the right was far more united on that front. That ain’t my opinion, those are just simple and easily verified facts. For unite the right, exercising their first amendment rights was as much as anything a pretext for violent protest to bolster notoriety and presumably memberships. It backfired when one of their more murderous brethren raced that car down a crowded street.

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This post bears repeating.

Getting a tax exempt status is a bit different than obtaining a permit for a NAZI protest.

Right up to the point the guy plowed his car into a crowd, killing a young woman.

The only good thing about trumpsters never learning is that I can just recycle old posts:


Google “satanic ritual abuse”. Or better yet, don’t. Just trust me on this one - you’re wrong.

I honestly don’t know if you’re joking here, but:

  1. The Satanic Temple is a “religion” founded 6 years ago by an acquaintance of mine, as a tongue-in-cheek pseudo-activist organization.

  2. The “satanic ritual abuse” nonsense from the 80s was all ■■■■■■■■■

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  1. I didn’t know that. My bad.

  2. My wife is a clinical psychologist with 30 years experience. She’s counseled victims of satanic ritual abuse. It most definitely is NOT ■■■■■■■■■

No physical evidnece of any sort of satanic ritual abuse, as the moral panic-ers of the 80s imagined it, has ever been found.