Satanic temple official recognized as a church

the satanic temple has been officially granted tax exempt status puttin it on equal footing woth other churches and allowing it to access to public spaces as other religious organizations; and allowing The Satanic Temple to apply for faith-based government grants,

Good, i hope they start applying to open government meetings with their prayer across the country. I hope they start popping up everywhere to preach.

Better them than the so called evangelicals who support trump despite he being everything they are opposed to


Thank God! All of them… :joy:

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I may 110% disagree with their message but I’ll fight for their right to say it…same as Charlottesville. Get it?

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Yeah… when people are marching with tiki torches chanting “Jews will not replace us”… it is exactly the same as an organization that is fighting for the separation of Church and State.

Exactly the same.

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My criteria that I used to derive my conclusion; did they or did they NOT apply for and receive legal permission to protest? Was it legally granted? Were they violent when left alone? Now…I will apply “exactly the same” criteria every time and I will NOT be persuaded by feelings.

You do get that people’s problem with Charlottesville wasn’t that they didn’t have the legal right to rally. It was the president equating the literal Nazis and those marching with them, with the counter protesters who find that ideology repugnant.

The previous nights vanilla ISIS tiki torch rally was not under permit.

Both the Unite the Right Rally and the counter protesters had Permits for Sat Aug 12th 2017.

And no… the Unite the Right rally was never meant to be a peaceful assembly. To think that they were there to not flex their fascist muscles is being pollyanna about the whole thing.

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L Ron Hubbard had the right of it - organized religion is a money making machine.

That said, good to see the standard applied across the board here.

I find the “counter-protestors’” ideology repugnant.

Why are you libs so impressed with tiki torches?

Its a Hawaii thing.

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What I saw were two groups of asses plus others that cared about history being torn down for no other reason than feelings. Antifa was there and when the President attempted to identify them, the media went crazy about it. Their denial was a lie. I can identify an ass and don’t have to agree with their message but I’m also experienced enough to know that if I do not stand up for their right of free speech, this pendulum of people attempting to control speech will one day possibly turn on me. I don’t want that for anybody…period. You can find anything repugnant that you choose and I agree with that but if you attempt to use violence to subdue it, you’re now going against what I and this country truly stands for.

I hope you took more than one swallow when you gobbled up that kool aid?

I’m not sure why he went directly with a comment talking about fighting for the right of white supremacist to march. That’s a weird one in this context.

Probably should have picked something more like the mormons and their discrimination throughout our history.

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Well… as we all know… NAZIs and the KKK have historically been peaceful when massed in large numbers.

History isn’t being torn down.

The history still exists.

It is just now, in the 21st Century, statues glorifying those who fought to preserve the institution of chattel slavery is not as acceptable as it once was.

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I wonder how many people attend…

and supporting Hillary is much worse. She killed thousands of Libyans for no reason, and caused the return of slavery there. Then laughed about it…

Hillary! Rofl. Literally every time.

No-one “attends”, it’s an atheist group making a legal point.

That the IRS was forced to give them the green light proves how â– â– â– â– â– â– â–  stupid the 501c3/4 laws are.

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It use to piss me off that people would even think about taking down Confederate monuments. Then one day I realized I was fighting for people who went to war to continue to buy and sell babies.

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…and now? In this righteous moment you’re enjoying, how do you coin late term abortion?