Satanic temple official recognized as a church

Against it.

See I look at it this way. Replace the Monument Status with Historical Marker. It is part of the history of this nation. You can’t just erase it. As a kid I used to love when we traveled off the beaten path and find historical markers along the roadside. They were set up to memorialize history not make monuments of it. These confederate “works” should be set up not as monuments to the confederacy but as markers of our nation’s history.

Agreed 100%.

Good. We’re on the same page.

As far as those statues go, it’s our history, even if it’s a bad one and let them be a reminder of a history “we” don’t want repeated. That said, if they are to be taken down, let it be decided in Congress. I don’t think it would ever pass but…who knows?

Is a history of murder and slavery what turns you off from any particular organized religion?

I’m OK with that.

You certainly won’t see Somalia have statues to the Somali pirates that fight a war to retain the right to buy and sell babies (in a 100 years).

Or maybe you will?

Seems like an issue that should be left to the States.

I’m not sure why you want the federal government involved.

You want statues to stay up of people who fought for the right to continue to sell and buy infants. Think about that.

“Not the neonazis and white supremacists. They should be condemned, totally.”

Why can’t locals decide what they want to put in their public squares? Why do you feel it is a federal decision? I thought conservatives preferred local control?


I can agree with this.

What few people realize is the statues themselves have a history.

They weren’t put up as historical monuments.

They were put up in two distinct waves…30-40 years after the Civil War when the original KKK was trying to create the “Noble Lost Cause” narrative out of whole cloth and then again in the 1950s-60s as a “counter protest” against the civil rights movement.

Same thing with the battle flag…you saw it nowhere in any great numbers in the South until the 1950s-60s.

When you understand the motives behind the erection of the statues and the adoption of the battle flag as a modern symbol, you understand why there is a desire to have them torn down.


I get that. But I always look at these things as a reminder of our racist history and past, and as a reminder that this cannot happen again. Like the concentration camps in Germany stand as a reminder to the people “NEVER AGAIN”

My son was in Germany, two years ago and has been three times since he was in high school. This was something he learned when staying with a host family. These concentration camps serve as a reminder, and create embarrassment for the German People. But it is a reminder to them that never again will they allow something like that to happen again. I think these are historic reminders today that we can never go backwards. Displaying them serves as a reminder to our past not a monument.

Not sure where you saw that someone was preventing them from speaking their message.

Look! Over there! >>>>> It’s Hillary Clinton!

As I understand it, the local government DID decide to remove the statue. The Alt-Right protest should have been against them.

The local government should have no say in this matter. I’m not sure if this is current law, but I feel that the federal government should be in charge of the erection and removal of all statues in this country.

The major difference that I see though is that the concentration camps are reminders of the worst of the degredation of NAZI Germany.

Confederate Statues are a glorification of the people who fought to preserve chattel slavery.

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True…but isn’t that in the eye of the beholder. Confederate anythings don’t have to be glorification. Change the narrative. That’s a simple governmental issue. Regardless of what they mean or stand for. They are works of art. If Piss Jesus has a place…I would venture to guess that so do these statues. Right???

Yep… I agree.

A week before Charlottesville I was visiting my family in Virginia and the topic of the Confederate Statues in Newport News came up… which still agitates my Mom… but my position was as it is now was that the localities are the only ones that should be making the decision as to whether the statues stay or go.

Not sure how that proves anything but that leftists are overly obsessed with disliking Christianity,… Who cares, if they got their status. I don’t.