Sarah Huckabee Sanders, admitted liar

The alt left needs to let their loved ones know they are going to be occupied a tad longer.

I’m amazed how these ■■■■■■■ idiots just blatantly lie to their boot licker’s faces. It’s fascinating .

From last night:

Look, I acknowledged that I had a slip of the tongue when I used the word ‘countless,’ but it’s not untrue.”

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Double down, Baby!

Everything Trump touches, dies.

I donno man, this one is pretty egregious.

In an attempt to cover for the president, his press secretary made up a lie that she had communicated with MANY FBI officials personally saying they agreed. This was an attempt to boost PR regarding a potential Trump legal situation, and the press secretary now directly admitted to lying in order to help the president garner support to justify possibly ending the investigation. When you add that together when the multiple officials he tasked with trying to help him end it, and their refusals, this isn’t good.

This goes beyond just lying about inauguration numbers, or whether Trump golfed on a certain day.

I’ve never called for impeachment of Trump, nor have I spent any time crying COLLUSION!!!, nor criminal charges, nor forcible removable from office (except by election), but I’m honestly surprised to see an absolute refusal from Trump’s supporters to condemn any of this.

For whatever reason-inexperience, ignorance, stupidity, petulance, corruption-Trump has engaged in some uncouth, unsavory, dishonest, unethical, and potentially illegal behavior regarding all of this. He, and some of his administration, have done some things NONE of us should justify, but here we are watching people not just accept but JUSTIFY this behavior, and look the other way. Some even love him for it.

It’s remarkable to see where we’re at right now-where rabid partisans believe “their” politicians to be infallible and immune from all criticism. Whether you believe Trump should be removed/impeached/etc., this report, and the dishonest sycophancy of people like Sanders-Huckabee, provide plenty of reason for ANYONE to at least recognize the bad behavior coming from this administration, but some can’t even bring themselves do that because ( R ).


Can you imagine what would happen if we put all the crooks in the Trump Administration under oath. All those crooks would go down.

Those with some integrity have resigned or been canned when they wouldn’t do Trump’s illegal/immoral bidding.

Those that remain…well, maybe there’s too many mirrors in the house.

Republicans will only adopt morality after they perceive that Democrats have done the same first. You cannot fight evil with one hand tied behind your back. When Democrats elected Barrack Obama they showed that they no longer care about integrity or godliness. They did the unthinkable and forced Republicans to fight back just as hard. Yes, Donald Trump isn’t the most righteous person, but he’s better than Hilary or anyone else in the Democrat party. If the choice is between a liar and the devil (Democrats) then the choice is clear.


Why do Christians support this corrupt guy?

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“Neener neener” politics dominate in the Age of Idiocy.

Because abortion (for some). Regardless what he actually does he says what they want to hear, and that Trumps the lying, corruption, greed, incivility, and selfish disregard for anything but himself.

If everyone would just turn their TVs and radios off we wouldn’t be in this mess. Everyone just needs to think for themselves.

People who listen to pro Alabama football radio everyday are not fair and balanced. They get a very slanted view of college football. They’re basically brainwashed.

No, she needs to stay.

As 2020 approaches, every stain on America needs to be still in place. Americans need to see how disgustingly low this administration is. And I hope that Trump and his spineless gang of Republicans are kicked to the curb.

She’ll send up on Fox, lying through her teeth.

Tax cuts (for others). Immigration (for the rest).

Because he put an “R” next to his name. Simple as that. They’re hypocrite sheep. Morality means nothing to them.

She’s not even close to attractive enough for Fox News.


Care to expand how Obama was, in your words, ungodly or lacked integrity far beyond what Trump exhibits daily?

He’s a married man, faithful to his only wife, good father to his children and a churchgoer.

Trump, on the other hand, has been married three times, twice marrying his mistress. He has a history of draft dodging, cheating contractors, hiring illegal aliens, molesting women, ogling teenage beauty pageant contestants in their dressing rooms in various stages of undress, having affairs with porn stars and playboy models while his current wife was caring for their infant child, and never goes to church.

He insults the disabled, the war veteran, women, immigrants and minorities.

In short, he is the worst person ever elected to the office of POTUS. A terrible human being.

And he is better than Obama as a human being? Seriously?


Her dad was a… wait for it… pastor at Immanuel Baptist Church in Pine Bluff, Arkansas and the Beech Street First Baptist Church in Texarkana.

…because lying is such an admirable trait