Sarah Huckabee Sanders, admitted liar

Do they not understand that Pence would also oppose abortion and not be the biggest jackass on earth in the meantime?

I don’t get it.

Trump supporters are celebrating because they scored in the first 5 minutes of a football game and think that they won.

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This is the narrative they have to make up to justify their belief system, aided in no small part by the CEC.

Hypocrisy abounds.

Well, after decades of Republicans preaching all the moral and just things that were important to them, we’ve learned that they don’t care about lies. They don’t care about adultery. They don’t care about a guy not paying his bills. They don’t care about a guy using federal bankruptcy protection. They don’t care about a president giving illegal orders. They don’t care about a president acting like a child on Twitter. They don’t care about a president paying people off to win an election. They don’t care about a politician using christians for votes. They don’t care about the national debt.

What exactly do these people stand for?

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“Pence never would have beaten Hillary. Pence never would be able to MAGAKAG like Donald. We had no choice.”

It’s now down to triggering libs…so basically just being ■■■■■■■■ because they’re bitter and need someone to blame for their poor life choices


Hillary’s favorite water buffalo, Donna Brazile made the cut.

Yep. They have all lied. Too bad it’s not perjury.

This post is very disturbing. Electing Obama was Godless and lacked integrity? Really. Can’t wait for you to tell us why. I mean, I know we disagree on policy but your words are way over the top.

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Fox News has a long history of portraying liberals in the worst light possible. It’s pure propaganda.



And it wouldn’t work if people weren’t gullible.

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You guys know he’s a poe right? He’s super obvious about it.

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He’s not righteous at all and is pretty much everything you all feared Obama would be. Obama does it, he’s the devil. 45 does it, he’s a blessing from God. BTW that’s lying on God.


So, this is the big one from the Mueller report…Ahahahahahahahahahahahaha!

Poor deluded lefty…

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So let’s recap:

  1. Sanders claimed that many FBI agents were glad Comey was fired.

  2. When interviewed by Mueller, she admitted she had no basis for the claim.

  3. Now that she’s not talking to law enforcement, she’s claiming her original statement was true.

Amazing how when threatened with the law she becomes truthful but immediatelt goes back to lying once the threat of the law is removed.

How can anyone trust anything she says anymore? She is a shamelessly unrepentant liar.

But Trumpists clearly love being lied to if it reinforces their world view. Is their world view based on lies?

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The hyenas gang is surprisingly triggered on old fake news.

A real art it is making rumor and innuendo from NOTHING.

They want to get Barr in the smear splatter, but he looks as unflappable as Trump.

I am really enjoying the meltdown and the profane ignorance on display in this thread.



No. It’s pretty clear that Trump tried to obstruct justice but his underlings wouldn’t do his biding.

Do you have proof that “some” agent didn’t tell Sanders that?

As I said…Mueller report is just parroting the left-wing media talking point…almost word by word.

Or was it Mueller team been leaking to media this entire time?

Which is it libs?

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