Sanders booted by ... Now it makes sense

Heard on the tube the restaurant has a 1.5 rating. Ugh. She need to go eat at a nicer place.

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You being obtuse or incapable of reading?

I have no problem with the refusal of service. The harassment that is going on toward with people like Neilson even at her house is out of bounds.

That’s going to lead to violence.

What the Supremes ruled on was the liberal government members actual discriminatory and hostile remarks in relation to the bakery owners and their religion. THAT is why the case went south. This case actually solved nothing.

Yeah, you’d almost think that it’s specifically mentioned as protected in the Constituon and been a constant of American political life since virtually day one or something.

I’ve never seen it this nasty. It is going to lead to violence. Some may even wish for that.

You have never seen it this nasty? Gee I wonder where all this nastiness is coming from…good thing we a healer and not a divider in office…:joy:

Well after 8 years of instigated division I’m not really surprised at some of the leftists.

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Yep, it starts at the top. This is just the most recent.

Then you don’t know ■■■■ about our history. During the kerfluffle over Jay’s Treaty, Jay himself said he could walk the length of the thirteen states with the way lighted only by burning effigies of himself.

It wasn’t uncommon for torch wielding mobs to come out in protest and the country was like eight minutes old.

More recent.

It did start at the top. 8 years of Obama.

And another recent one.

Nope. Try again.

Right on the money. Forgotten the riots Obama instigated in places like Ferguson?

I haven’t.

Sniff…snowfwake…wittle snowfwake.

Is Trump a divider?

I thought those were instigated by Cops shooting a black guy?

Really? Obama. Class Warfare: Hundreds Protest Outside Bankers' Houses In DC | HuffPost Latest News