Same political party that brought you the KKK

Actual racists running for office Joanne. Let that sink in.

So we can spout racist stuff as long as it’s satire?

Confirmed. I woke today to find a NYSlime editor underneath my car fixing my alignment.

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You’ve completely deflected from my comment but I expect nothing less from you.

Obviously we CAN

Whether or not we SHOULD depends on context.

I can’t imagine many contexts where such satire would be effective but there might be some.

I know. But Conan apparently does not.

Is she running for Congress?

Locker room talk.

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Why are you ignoring the context that pizza posted about…read it…and then walk away from this dumpster fire of a thread

Southern racists Dems moved to the Republican party in the 60’s. I thought everyone knew this already. It’s the same people who brought you the KKK who brought you trump. DOn’t get stuck on party - think ideology.

Republican got trolled and are snowflakes more news at 11 on hard life is for a white male in America

There is a legit Nazi running for Congress on the republican ticket

They know this. It has been explained to them in a variety of ways, including a breakdown of the voting for and against the Civil Rights Act.

They’re just hoping to . . . what? I don’t know what they’re hoping for anymore.

8(a) companies have money set aside for sole source federal contracts just for businesses owned by special races. White male owned businesses need not apply.

more news at 11 on how hard life is for a white male in America

African Americans and Hispanics are given points to add to their SAT scores to compensate for their lack of good grades on school

more news at 11 on how hard life is for a white male in America

There is a separate caucus just for black people in congress. None designated for just white people.

more news at 11 on how hard life is for a white male in America

businesses encourage workplace black affinity groups, women’s affinity groups, hispanic affinity groups at work, but a white affinity group would be called racist

more news at 11 on how hard life is for a white male in America

The NBA is like 85 percent black and the NFL is 68% black even though the population is only 15% black.

more news at 11 on how hard life is for a white male in America

Businesses fund outreach and special opportunities for educating and hiring women, black, and hispanic STEM employees. White males have to get there on their own.

more news at 11 on how hard life is for a white male in America

Parades of women demanding more money and priviledge and wearing hats symbolic of vaginas are deemed honorable protest by leftist media. Parades of men carrying penis symbols would be called rape gangs.

more news at 11 on how hard life is for a white male in America

Journalists hired by major news company who openly claims to harass old white men.

more news at 11 on how hard life is for a white male in America

Yep, libs will always be able to make such a snarky sarcastic statement. Wonder why -no matter what absurd racist and anti male laws and cultural norms you try to interject into our nation - white males will always seem to have some special privilege for libs to ridicule. I wonder if it old white men that create the ■■■■ holes the illegals are running from.

I’m trying to find the “double standard.” Actually, it’s called impartial reporting. Their story had both sides of her. I know it’s hard for you to understand, but news organizations … real news organizations … do that.

All you are showing is that there is no difference between you guys and say BLM. Always the victim. Always looking to get triggered.

No wonder the Russians targeted both groups.

I’ve had to delete a lot of your posts. Just remember due to copyright concerns you need to provide a link to where you are pulling your qotes from.

I live in Virginia, and am not surprised that Stewart is “doing as well as he is”.

Dammit! I thought about providing the links but obviously didn’t. Thanks.

It’s a reminder that neither liberalism nor conservatism are parties, and that the party of the KKK was not “liberalism.”

If I wanted to be a hysterical partisan like you, I’d say something like “The KKK was founded by confederate conservatives in the south, and was continued by Christian conservatives in the midwest.”