Ruth Bader Ginsburg's next birthday is March 15th - what else will soon be turning besides her age?

“Clear thinking” is not directly determined by age. There are unavoidable physiological changes with age, but mental fitness depends on the person. Having physical “vigor” is not very high on the list of qualities for a Supreme Court justice IMO.

And being “comfortable” is subjective. Many people enjoy their work.

Yes the “former” 1st Lady appears to still remain an American lawyer. Presidents can even appoint “former” Presidents. In 1921 President Harding appointed “former” President Taft as the tenth chief justice of the United States (1921-1930). WHT served until a month before his death at age 72.

Not the same-see ending SneakySFDude:

Longer life expectancy makes at least any short term determinations of hers remain viable. Back in the day it was so much more common for justices to die in office. Seventeen of the initial 38 justices to die while in office died prior to their 70th birthday. In contrary, the six justices who have retired since 1990 had either reached or were approaching their 70th birthday at the time they each stepped down. No matter how long Justice Ginsburg intends to continue on in serving it’s solely her call to decide.

No matter who attempts what, assumptions are dangerous things to make. And like all dangerous things to make- bombs, for instance, if you even make the tiniest mistake you can find yourself in terrible trouble. A former First Lady deeply regrets believing what the polls were making about her chances of losing being slim to none. Open questions are being made across the board. Votes will continue to make the determination of control in both the Senate and the House.

What the ■■■■ !?! Is there no end to this Ukrainian madness?

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Ok, thanks.

Not in DC. :wink: Never was.

Agreed. I think her work and dedication to it (regardless if you agree with her or not) keeps her going.

My comment referred to their likely anointing Bernie Sanders as their nominee. A Sanders ticket is not going to end well for the Democratic Party. When you nominate a candidate that makes Trump look like Fred Rogers in comparison, you perhaps might reconsider. :smile:


My mom’s maternal family side has some Jewish blood. Most of them ate red meat, smoked like fiends, drank like wino’s and lived into their 90’s, a couple breaking 100. :smile:

Wesley Brown lived to be 104 and held court till about a month before his death.

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Something to shoot for, Notorious RBG!

It doesn’t really matter. Democrats will never appoint another judge in our lifetimes. All we have to do is wait.

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Yes not and never in DC, but in Illinois looks like Michelle Obama changed her law license from active to inactive. (edited)

The country will be better off if Trump gets to replace her. A solid conservative court could help limit the damage if a socialist dem ever does get to the WH.

This is false. Don’t believe everything you read on the internet.

Both Obamas are voluntarily under “inactive” status. Either one could change their status back to “active”, and begin practicing law again at any time.

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Mr. Capitalism, you’re true self coming out: an eternal optimist- “Democrats will never appoint another judge in our lifetimes.” Hoping you have a longer life expectancy than Justice Ginsburg has remaining…

Even if by some weird chance there was a Democratic president, the Senate will not allow any judge to be approved. Nor should they.

Wishful thinking to believe whatever Party has control of the Senate they can effectively stop a newly elected President to continue to nominate candidates until one of the Chief Executive’s choosing is ultimately approved. Only exception is of a timing concern should a vacancy occur with a forthcoming Presidential Election fast approaching…

Mark my words. A GOP senate will never approve a single lib appointment. Ever.