Ruth Bader Ginsburg's next birthday is March 15th - what else will soon be turning besides her age?

Gives you a warm feeling, doesn’t it?

That Satan no longer controls our government? Yes.

Obviously why Trump was Chosen.

Thanks to TheDoctorIsIn. Inactive license for First Lady MO is not related to ethic charges. Will update my previous post accordingly.

LOL, you believe FactCheck.

I believe the Illinois State Bar Association, which lists her status as “voluntarily inactive”.

That was not what you implied in your excerpt “the Senate will not allow any judge to be approved.”

It probably will become a rarity for any Senator in the minority to side with the GOP majority going forward as it relates to POTUS Supreme Court nominee’s.

Chosen: the meaning literally means one, like a person who is the object of choice. An example includes when we vote someone into office.

“Again”? Did he ever?

SneakySFDude: Who is this “Did he ever?” If you are referring to President Obama there is information of him practicing law from 1993 to 1996 for a 12-attorney firm called Davis, Barnhill & Galland.

Right church, wrong pew perhaps: GOP senator casts a “single” vote for impeachment…

You guessed correctly. Thanks

3 whole years, huh?

3 years sounds about right, unless you count his time working summer gig’s while attending law school.

Go figure- one such part time job apparently fate led him to meeting Michelle too …

My grandmother was born in Ukraine. Madness!

He was chooming during law school.

I’ve been in the work force for 45 years. We have income inequality.

That might change if you were a socialist.

Talk about income inequality…back in Obama’s younger years selling marijuana for recreational use in Illinois was still illegal. Government approved stores within Illinois now operate to roll in the dough. High profit margins are munching away at the competition, including brownie joints baking off the beaten path being smoked out of business. In January 2020 alone the Illinois Dept of Revenue reported more than $7.3 million in cannabis tax revenue and more than $3.1 million in sales tax revenue.

That sums things up nicely and I agree.

Are we ignoring that most of them have already said they will pack the court?

So basing on what someone else would have done mmkay.