Russian Jet downs American drone over international waters in the Black Sea

You sound happy for Russia…

This was likely the RQ 4B Global Hawk I posted Pictures of. Im wondering if they were flying the MQ 9 on the same pattern of the Global Hawk so that only one appeared to be there. Just a thought. If so…its pretty clever. If it is…theyve been doing it for months.

Im fully aware. I never confused the two.

And if you look it up…it has a service ceiling of 50,000 ft. So it can. Even if it may not have been.

By definition.

Hmmm … What is it that you think that article says?

You might want to check out what he is saying in the War In
Ukraine thread.

Or perhaps Malaysia Flight 17. 298 dead because of Russia.

Come on.

Who’s side are you on?

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I flew it for 7 years in military and as a civilian it is not practical. It might get there, but I have a hard time believing that. It says its operational ceiling is 50k which I absolutely disagree with.


Ah sounded like it here.

Go get em tiger…

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It was in international airspace. Who says it didn’t have a transponder? They have always had transponders. When I stopped flying them they were just finishing up testing and getting certification on a see and avoid logic much like airlines. This gave it the required certifications to fly in international airspace. That was in 2018.

But… buh… we could bomb some brown people somewhere!

Too far.

What are you doin’?

Soleimani parody of the lefts reaction to his killing.

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Very nicely done.

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Could also apply to Trump using MOAB in Afghanistan or even his mooslim ban.