Russian Jet downs American drone over international waters in the Black Sea

We had growing peace and prosperity with Trump. Now we are on the verge of ww3 and financial collapse.

Good job Dems…


Sort of, the prosperity was just another federal reserve bubble that is bursting now, and the peace, not so much. Syria invaded, added tensions with Russia and China by additional sanctions, codified Jerusalem as capitol of Israel and the permanency of the occupation of Golan, ongoing drone attacks from Iraq to Afghanistan, the assassination of Solemani and ratcheting up of tension with Iran.

They hit a MQ9 not a MQ4. 9’s don’t fly nearly that high and can fly for significantly longer then 8-10 hours. MQ4s fly quit a bit higher then that and fly way longer then that.

It was on. Second flyby of this video last 10 sec. You can see the bent prop.

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How long until someone says this video was faked?

(I’m kinda thinking someone probably already has…without looking).

I think you might be the first!


Bill didn’t say it was fake but did say there was nothing on there showing the aircraft collided with the drone. Even though there was clear pictures of the bent prop after. The picture that went out then came back on was an indication of the strike. The sudden movement of the plane would have caused it to lose satellite link for a few seconds or more.

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Send another one. No reason to back down now. Let’s see how many UAV’s they can creatively down without evoking the term “act of war.”


Are you kidding? You cannot see the damaged prop blade in the second portion of that video? C’mon man! :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

Yes, but the International airspace over the Black Sea is not a war zone.

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Are you forgetting this one?

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Probably not the first in the world.

Maybe the first here…

Either way the Russians brought it down in international waters. An act of war

Yes!! Let’s get them!


Not suggesting that.

We may not know what we think we know about that incident.

Right on! :fist:t5: Let’s bomb some stuff!

But it’s an act of WAR!!

No. Full on troop movement. Shock and awe. Let’s spread some ‘mocracy!

It is just the next step in tit for tat.