Rush is correct about our National Debt

This is an exchange with a caller from 2016…

"CALLER: …I address liberals with two main points…Second thing, why is everybody forgetting about the horrible debt we’re leaving to the children? Everything Hillary proposes leaves more debt to the children. And I call it fiscal child abuse because these kids are gonna have to pay for all these votes that the Democrats are paying for. We’ve gotta bring this to the front.

RUSH: Trump made a big deal in the debate about the national debt and how much it has grown under Obama. I’m gonna mention this again. From the moment I was old enough to know what I was hearing, I remember my parents and grandparents warning about the national debt…Making the argument doesn’t seem to change the way people look at it or vote. "

He says a lot of other things in the exchange but the bold part is where he’s spot on. Nobody cares about our national debt. At the exact moment when we should be tightening our belt we’re exploding the deficit. And I don’t think one vote will be lost by any democratic or republican politician (from partisans) due to the exploding deficit or the ballooning national debt.

I think my generation cares because we will likely be the ones who end up having to deal with it. Unfortunately, the boomers have spent much of their time in power caring only about their short term profits and happiness while ignoring the long term effects of their refusal to tackle issues such as the climate, debt, wealth inequality, etc etc.

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I really did care about the debt. It’s a dead issue for me now. Why should I care when neither major party does?

But DONT TELL ME you’re fiscally conservative if you support these Republican tax cuts. Not wanting to pay taxes is not being fiscally conservative. Wisdom is government finances is, knowing what to spend the money on and what not to. Tax cuts without spending cuts is not fiscally conservative. I’ve heard some people here state that and it’s not true.

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Doesn’t change the perils it poses though. As a nation we’re driving drunk on this issue. Eventually we’re going to crash.

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Maybe you do. Maybe.

Most of your generation can’t even fathom what the national debt is. But it wants free college and all current college loans paid off by the gummint, and “free” healthcare, and on and on.

Perhaps people care that some day this will all come back to bite them, but today they just want things that will add to it.


The responsible thing to do is to CUT SPENDING and RAISE TAXES!

THAT is how you start chipping away at this unsustainable monster of a debt.

Problem is, just like in their personal lives, too many people—whether they be citizens, congresspeople or Trump himself—are far too comfortable carrying ballooning debt, which only leads to…ask Trump. BANKRUPTCY!

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Can you articulate what the national debt is? In what scenario will it come back to bite us?

This is because righties too want their freebies, handouts and Reagan-phones!

You have to absolutely do both but there is no appetite to cut spending from either party.

I’m just waiting to see when the Market cares. When that happens maybe then the politicians will have to care about it.

I think cutting spending is far more politically acceptable than raising taxes. Nobody wants to actually pay the bills anymore, especially on the right.

Fiscal conservatives my ass.

Donald’s war on ridiculous spending has been challenged by greedy Democrats and establishment Republicans, but he tirelessly continues the fight to enforce prudent spending on fatcat DC.

It’s why he’s allowing the American taxpayer to pay 92 million for his “Salute to Me and Therefore America” parade - so they can hear from his own mouth how much he’s done for this nation!

Like I’ve said before, Trump supporters are actually now enacting all the crazy conspiracy theories and rhetoric they espoused about Obama, including completely becoming enamored with the cult-of-personality of a notorious con-man.

Yep, just try and bring it up and see how quickly it becomes a “they did it!” thread. lol

My generation isn’t in power. We are just starting to enter Congress.

The issue is that people making decisions will never have to deal with the consequences of said decisions because they will be dust in the ground when all of these trillions wasted on war, defense, and poorly run programs come back to bite us. It’s been the same story over and over with the boomers. They took theirs and didn’t really gives two ■■■■■ about those coming next.



I know you care about the debt. I forget whether you blame only Republicans or not though. It’s hard to tell around here lately. :wink:

I have to say the increasing debt is a bit of a dissappointment but pretty close to the only one with this president. I hope he doesn’t add as much debt as Obama who added more than all previous presidents combined.
(Our friends didn’t care when he was in office)

That he is governing like a pro lifer and appointing conservative/pro life judges is very pleasing to me.

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This post is the perfect example of why our debt won’t be fixed.


Protecting human life is the most important moral/political issue out there.