Rush is correct about our National Debt

At our Southern border?


He derails every thread to abortion. Like clockwork.


What the ■■■■ does abortion have anything to do with this thread?

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Priorities. Donald’s critics assail him unfairly for the exploding debt and lying and corruption, but never once give him credit for saving innocent babies not born to criminal border invaders!

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It’s all they have left.

The unborn are the perfect constituency to advocate for. They make no demands.

Once they are born and start wanting stufff… ■■■■ em.

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When someone on the right has absolutely zero to contribute to a real discussion, you can often count on them to randomly bring up abortion.

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He’s destroyed every conservative principle the “Republicans” stood for, but that’s irrelevant if he’s forcing women to carry to term.

If your single issue is abortion, you’re not conservative.

They actually say, in a debt thread, that their issue is “life”.

Funny, no?

It’s the only thing that keeps a patriot going when the attacks against Donald’s lying, corruption, incompetence, and arrogance are constantly assailed - “I wanted SCOTUS judges that will protect innocent babies!”

“Who cares?”

The thing that drives me crazy is the people that were screaming about the deficit under Barack Obama and yet they’re now saying, “why are the Libs deficit hawks?”

Excuse me, don’t put yourself in a position where your opponent sounds more like you did before the election. Obviously, you didn’t care about that policy if you didn’t enact it.

It’s like running for peace in an election and then immediately declaring war upon office.

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Trump ran on wiping out the debt.

How gullible were those voters? The guy is a debt Lord.

I remember during the campaign when Candidate Trump said that he would default on US sovereign debt and negotiate with the creditors to take a haircut.

That should have been a huge clue that he has no idea what he is talking about.

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Could be a nail biter, assuming he wins a second term. Although if the economy tanks, he’ll have the record easily.

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People tend to forget that a great bit of the debt that was added during the Obama administration was because of the economy being in freefall in 2009.

Fake news. The economy tanked in 2009 because Obama failed to protect us from 9/11.

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Of course but The millions of unborn killed dwarfs the number lost at the border . With your parties support i might add.

No. No. Absolutely not.


Because you won’t do this


You want more, not cuts.

The first step is reducing the deficit. Only democratic presidents have done this

I’m pretty sure we care MORE about those who are actually living among us. I can tell you, the republicans don’t give a ■■■■■■■ about those fetuses once they’re born.