Rush is correct about our National Debt

Name the president that did this…voluntarily.

It’s more accurate to say only a(singular) republican Congress has done this.

Nope. A singular republican Congress as soon as Trump gets in blew up the deficit at full employment after passing tax cuts. So it obviously wasnt them.


“Shields up, set deflectors to maximum!!”

Obama. As soon as he was gone, you guys passed tax cuts and blew up the deficit

How was that deflection? :rofl:

And that is why you’re not a fiscal conservative because you only believe in cutting taxes. You don’t care about the debt.

All tax cuts should be met with spending cuts and we should raise taxes until spending and taxes are equal. People need to feel the pain from the programs they support and not paper it over with debt.

Thank you. I’ve been wondering what I am not.

You get no more of my money. None. You don’t spend it right.

Obama spent that money to prop up an economy that was collapsing before our eyes. Or maybe you don’t remember many bank stocks going from $100 to $2 a share??? Trump, on the other hand, is exploding the deficit and debt during a good economy with low unemployment! He’s a fiscally reckless moron and those who support him are just as ignorant of finance.

Conveniently short memories by righties around here.

They don’t need your money if they can borrow from your children.

Good. Cut it to zero.

I really hope there are no more credit increases. We should stop the the bleeding right now and force people to either to make cuts or to raise taxes.

And you apparently don’t want your government to manage money correctly, otherwise you’d support higher taxes for a while.

That’s cute. They won’t cut anything. The Mob won’t stand for it.

If the government could manage money at all, it wouldn’t need more than the 10% the Good Lord asks for.

You want “free college”? “Free” healthcare for illegals?

You (collective) get nothing from me just to piss away more.

Actually Obama cut spending as a % of GDP. Most of the huge deficits were due to drop in revenue due to the recession

Then let them raise taxes; that would be more fiscally responsible than what we have now.

This exact same idea applies to tariffs and imports as well.

If you want higher wages you need tariffs to offset the increased cost of labor. People need to feel the pain from the programs they support and not paper over it.

I agree with cutting spending but would have to look into tax increases a bit more. My fear would be that raising them would then be doing two things at once that drag on the economy. Cutting spending and raising taxes.

My personal opinion is that you should cut spending and keep taxes relatively stable until you see what the spending cuts do. Then increase or decrease taxes depending on what you need the economy to do.

Nope. That’s my money. They pay out of their own pockets.

You give it to them, they’re just going to spend it. And I go without.

I put my kid through college. I’m not putting yours (collective) through it too.

I’ve been paying for private health insurance for 25 years and have used it exactly zero times. Not paying that for you (collective) either.

I gave at the office.

Republicans have abortions every day.

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