'Rona Back to School

Mine, that the virus will run it’s course.

Meh, I’ve never been overly impressed with my local school. I teach better, and my kids have more family members within an hour of us than they do classmates. The other kids can work for mine some day.


I got your less susceptible right here.

Some studies suggest that children are less likely to catch COVID-19 than adults. Children are also far less likely to die of the disease. About 17,000 of Florida’s roughly 287,800 cases have been people younger than 18. Of the 4,514 COVID-19 deaths reported by Florida as of Tuesday, four have been younger than 18.

However, Lake County Health Department officials say contact tracing and case investigation has identified multiple social gatherings prior to the athletic camps where the exposures may have occurred.

School is nothing but a social gathering especially in middle and high school.

And it’s not all about the students:

But children are not the only concern when schools reopen. With nearly a third of teachers nationwide over age 50, they are more vulnerable to fatal infections. Asymptomatic transmission of the virus is a major concern – and the teachers can then pass the disease to more vulnerable people. A surge in schools can translate into a broader uptick a few weeks later.

“As any parent knows, children are little disease vectors. We don’t know precisely how effective children are at passing on the virus that causes Covid-19, but it’s a big concern,” Cohen said. “Also, while children don’t get as sick from Covid-19 as adults do, they can become seriously ill. We should not be lulled into thinking children are immune to Covid-19.”

Indiana numbers:

3,754 school age people infected thus far. 500 + in the two counties I work within

There are 72,160,000 school students in America. They make up 22% of the total population. 2 % have been infected with this virus so far. That number comes to 1,443,200 school age kids who have already had Corona Virus. And that is with schools closed all spring.

You guys are fooling yourselves if you think school kids won’t be at risk and won’t potentially pass this harmless little Chinese flu onto their teachers, aides, cafeteria workers and other staff.

Teachers are scared. I know I live with two of them.


Some teachers are scared of having to go back to work.

Incorrect. All teachers are scared.


What is your point?

Teachers are failing most people’s children, and that’s OK. :wink:

How so?

No charter schools and defund the police. It’s an education thing.

What does that have to do with school students and teachers going back to school. Stop talking in circles and just have a conversation.

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Because most people’s children are now less educated than they were in December.


It has everything to do with it. Two conditions stated in writing by teachers for reopening schools.

Does giving orders typically work for you?

I don’t know if I can agree with that. The ones whose parents put in the work are probably more educated. I don’t know if that is most or not.

I’m a little lost here to. I’m not aware of anything stated in writing by teachers.

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So here is an idea. We all want the kids to go back to school. We all want UE lower.

Why doesn’t the federal govt. provide funding to school disctricts everywhere to COVID proof their facilities? Build temp, outdoor classrooms, install plexiglass shields where appropriate, improve venetialtion, install kid isolation desks, or whatever might work?

This is a huge opportunity.

Should have been doing it months ago.

You aren’t up on your current events.

So Blame the teachers? Of course…it had nothing to do with many many teachers out there had never used e learning at all. They had to learn themselves, my wife struggled to put lessons together for the class she taught. My son did not as he taught highschool students and they were more capable.

But this is not on teachers…it’s on the virus. Teachers are now better prepared to e learn and teach over the computer. They will catch kids up. My wife is teaching 20 kids in summer school starting next week to catch them up for the start of the school year.


Centgov provide funding! Now there’s a novel idea for a novel virus!

Teachers are demanding to defund the police, and what about charter schools…defund them as well?

My teachers in my family or sphere…I know at least 50 teachers…have made no such demands…Maybe you can educate me with a link or two.


You must be able to find a link then.