'Rona Back to School

Yes, exactly. Talk of the town.

Of course I can. So can you.

That we do agree on, but I say most are definitely not.

You made the claim.

In Chicagoā€¦that liberal strongholdā€¦the school board just voted to keep Chicago cops in Chicago Public Schoolsā€¦So thereā€™s that. Not so much defunding going on there huh?

Youā€™re probably right. Many probably canā€™t, products of the self-licking ice cream cone.

I donā€™t have to cast blame in order to acknowledge a failure. Itā€™ll be alright though, there are still parents out there stepping in to mitigate those failures. New ways of private education will pop up as a result, similar to how house calls for hair stylists is becoming so popular.

This will give the more dedicated parents afforable opportunities to get their kids a better edge in life.


Well, whatever this is all about, it doesnā€™t apply to us. So, whatever.

Of course they did. They mean in the streets, not their police. Why would anybody vote to give up their own free bodyguards?

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The talk of this one townā€¦L.A. doesnā€™t speak for all of us do they?

Nice Try thoughā€¦

Many are working full-time during the hours in which school occurs. Conflict of schedules. They depend on these schools and pay taxes accorindgly. Hopefully they work enough to be able to afford private options.

Iā€™m excited to see this new normal.

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Donā€™t they?

It was all the rage a few weeks agoā€¦Chicago was going to defund police in Public school buildings. When it came down to it. These schools are safer with cops in them than without.

Noā€¦Are they speaking for your schools in Texas? They are not speaking for mine in Indianaā€¦thatā€™s for sure.

Itā€™s not teachersā€™ faults many kids donā€™t have access to internet/tech to get them connected for e-learning.

Itā€™s not teachersā€™ faults schools were shut down.

Itā€™s not teachersā€™ faults when they arenā€™t provided the tools or training by their districts BEFORE a pandemic hits to be able to teach electronically.

But teachers are expected to work around all of this anyway, for the same pay, and are blamed when things donā€™t go perfectly. This isnā€™t a new thing. Thereā€™s always been a target on the backs of those who work in education. It escalated during the Tea Party years, during the big push for charter schools and the documentary Waiting for Superman.

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Subjective. Social workers would be better.

Things were going peaches before the epidemic.

Insert Luke Skywalker ā€œThis is not going to go how you thinkā€ meme.

Tutoring has always been profitable around the university. It could be just as, if not more so in the form of house calls for parents wanting to home school after work. There could even be group tutoring sessions.

There are many, more efficient, less socially traumatizing ways for kids to get a decent education while also getting social interaction.

Let the dinosaur institutions and their tenured corral workers go the way that dinosaurs should.