Roger Stone and crooked system of injustice

Bleh who cares he pretty much invited it, at the same time like all the others in the mueller investigation he is going to jail for something other than Russian collusion.

The DoJ under Barr is now actively tampering in this case.

But this is a good kind of tampering to undo the bad tampering, I take it?

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Oh? Is he worse than many of the drug dealers Obama let out of prison early because they were non-violent crimes?

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Hmmm…nothing like Michael Anthony Tedesco or Roy Wayne McKeever. Those drug dealers are different from Obama’s.

Definitely not to the level of Michael Chase Behenna, Mathew Golsteyn, or Clint A. Lorance. They definitely didn’t do anything violent. Trump is a man of the people, allowing non-violent and violent offenders to go free!

You’d have to compare it case by case, but Stone is definitely pretty damn high on the scale of scumbaggery.

He’s been famous for it for decades.

This is supposed to show why he is your banner carrier for injustice?

Or is it because dear leader tweeted about him?

When someone doesn’t follow orders by a cop they can get shot and possibly killed. It’s solely on him for not following the authority’s order. Stone need to nut up, shut up, and deal with the consequences of defying authority.


So, worse then someone who would sell illegal and addictive drugs to children? What exactly did he do that was worse?

Think of the children! :roll_eyes:

It’s because I am curious why a bunch of liberals who go around spewing the party line that non-violent offenders shouldn’t be in prison are suddenly so gung ho on this particular non-violent criminal spending as long as possible behind bars.


I literally said I would not want him to go to prison…

A liberal signed The First Step Act?

Liberals have been saying that he should be in prison for as long as possible? And have come out for releasing every non-violent offender ever?

Cool story.


The first step act let non-violent offenders out of jail? Can’t find that part.

No, not every non0violent offender. Plenty of worse ones than Stone though.

Since whataboutism is being engaged in, we need to clarify Obama’s actions.

President Obama did issue a number of full pardons, but they were almost all for people who had been convicted years ago, served their full sentences and subsequently led above board lives and deserved the pardons.

President Obama primarily granted commutations of prison terms which did NOT amount to completely obliterating most sentences. Most of these commutations went to black defendants who were subject to unjust sentencing “crack” enhancements. The commutations served to bring their sentences in line with white defendants who received shorter sentences for distributing powder cocaine. All these people still served substantial time in prison prior to release and many are still in prison, just facing fewer years.

Only in a very small number of cases did Obama grant a pardon or commutation that completely relieved a defendant of prison time.

So the whataboutism doesn’t really work at all here.


There is a difference between wanting to change the penal system and justice.

That wasn’t the only criterion for his commutations, but I’m sure that’s how it’s spun as another way to scare the base…:roll_eyes:

Well, I understand your point then. I believe he deserves jail time regardless, although 7 years is too much.

Trump released Alice Marie Johnson for nearly identical reasons. I’m not sure how that is overlooked. Trump commuted Ronen Nahmani’s 20 year prison sentence for trafficking drugs from China to 5 years.