Roe V. Wade Overturned?

To them, it is justice instead of robbery.

Don’t worry. Steyer and Soros will be happy to pick up the cost. Either that or fund a far left group to start a war.

If SCOTUS is going to take up anything remotely connected to overturning RvW, it will be years from now, at the earliest.

And to me, it’s sad that we’ve eroded our understanding of Law to assume it’s the function of the courts to do that at all.

RvW should be “overturned” by an Amendment to the Constitution.

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No better feeling than just making up stuff out of whole cloth, eh?

Roe v Wade was not the product of an Amendment to the US Constitution, it was the product of a court ruling.

Just like slavery is now driven underground.

Yet in spite of slave trade – even in this country – I’m still glad that our forefathers fought to make it illegal.

Aren’t you?

I would guess that Roberts would not want to touch an issue this big. We do have 45 years of precedence at this point and Americans overwhelmingly don’t want to overturn it. That being said- I wouldn’t be surprised if the Court nibbles around the edges to defacto allow Red States to pass their own laws.

Never happen.

It was the product of a direct reading of the Constitution and the right to privacy, which was also the product of a direct reading of the Constitution. Have you read both decisions?

Not thousands … millions.

A right to privacy is not a right to kill.


At this point 67% of Americans would disagree that it is a “right to kill”.

I guess numbers won’t matter because I was told adoptions will skyrocket under Trump.

Don’t compare me to those idiots.

Gay marriage doesn’t violate anyone’s rights. Gays have every right to be married and treated equally under the law.

The south will rise again aka neo-Confederates are generally racist scumbags.

Real law does not subject itself to mob rule.

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It is a horrible tragedy and injustice if the person who was equally responsible in creating a life cannot have a say or even an opinion in the termination of that life.

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Yes, it is.

Of course, it does.

Why? If we, as a society, held the “father” equally responsible then it would not be solely up to the woman to have to decide. What a horrible burden and decision for a woman to have to carry alone.

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Don’t understand what is so controversial about wanting women to weight in primarily on this. Seems obvious why. They are the mothers, it’s their body, they would have insights into the situations and mindsets surrounding the circumstances of abortion. They may have an ability to better stay on the subject. Would be interesting to see.