Roe V. Wade Overturned?

A lot of “War of Southern Aggression” types have simliar notions. Anti gay marriage people said pretty much the same thing.

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there will always be legal abortion states.

next concern?

Absurd. Planned Parenthood would fund travel vouches. All that lefty scare stuff is worn out, no one believes it anymore save those who spout it.

libs would pay.
would they not?

While I would like to see it revert back to the states, I don’t believe Roe V. Wade will be overturned, even with a right leaning SCOTUS.

Hmmmm. Murder is a states’ rights issue. Who woulda thunk…

Why? Its bad law. But it is correct a “right” leaning court populated by “judicial activists” won’t do it. They want to be invited to all the Beltway parties.

But strict constitutionalists will do it, because the decision was bogus.

There are literally thousands of babies and kids in homes waiting for adoptions, that never happen. These poor kids grow up in foster homes. Why would we want to add potentially thousands more?

That reminds me. Remember pro life protesters had to protest blocks away, so how come leftists follow us into the diner now?

Because a live dog is better off than a dead lion.

Besides, if Trump deregulates the Adoption bureaucracy most of those kids would be adopted. Its better to be alive than dead, right?

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Since what was supposed to be compassion for women back in the day of Roe vs Wade has turned liberal rancid and has become nothing more then infanticide and there is nothing compassionate or humane about what is going on these days so I’m ready for a big change.

Its an abomination to “choose” to voluntarily abort a late term pregnancy, its nothing but murder of a viable infant because when in the uterus for 24-26 weeks that baby has almost a 100% chance of going to term and being born alive and well & a 50% chance of living outside the womb unless something catastrophic happens such as a woman choosing a partial birth abortion/murder of the infant. And it’s hideous that many States have made that 24-26 week time period legal.

I don’t think it should be left to the States we need a Federal mandate on limiting the time when a woman can choose and in this day and age when you can find out if you’re pregnant in a matter of days its a relatively easy and “safe” office procedure to end the pregnancy.
I used to support 1st trimester 12 week timeframe but with the current medical technology advancements I think the max time for a woman to make up her mind should be 8 weeks.


67 % of people want Roe v. Wade to stand in recent survey. Only 53 % of Republicans even want it overturned. Perhaps one way around it is that Roberts would not accept any cases involving abortion rights at the level of overturning Roe v. Wade. Maybe just chip away at it bit by bit so they would defect overturn it. Its sort of what is happening in Red States anyways.

Planned Parenthood, the organization that conservatives want to defund will pick up travel costs for women seeking abortions in other states? Ok.

Yeah that was amusing…

Of course they will. They are so concerned about “reproductive rights” and how it must be provided for minority women, especially black minority women.

Is that before or after conservatives have slashed Planned Parenthood for being an abortion mill front group.

Eh, I’m not pro-life, but if it isn’t specifically provided for in the constitution, than I can’t really blame them.

That said, I live in texas and my wife is a lib. This could seriously complicate my marriage and I don’t look forward to that.

Not all conservatives are pro life, most are but not all. Planned Parenthood is like any other liberal government program, its a lie.

Abortion is Planned non-Parenthood, but they can’t be honest about that, so they lied when they name it.

That is why Planned Parenthood keeps getting funded, even when the establishment always promises to defund it to get votes. If they did, their wives would retaliate.