Roe V. Wade Overturned?

Correct. Which is why libertarian arguments like this—“It’ll just drive it underground.”—are stupid.

Yakshi, were you on the old board? If so, were you a libertarian then? If so, are you still one now?

Yes, I was on the old board. I am not a libertarian, although I do agree with some libertarian views.

Libertarian here. I have never thought of the possibility of abortions being driven underground. Is that a talking point? Seems to me (off the cuff) that it is far more likely that people will just drive to another state or an indian reservation. Just my 2 cents…

It’s where they were before. No, it’s not a talking point.

Won’t happen.

that was an all or nothing question.

try again.

like casinos?


You are an anarchist?

The latest research “proves” that man-made climate change is real… Anyone else amused at conservatives cognitive dissonance? :wink:

Notice how it’s always the women admonished to keep their legs closed? As if men somehow trip, fall in and inseminate against their will.

In other words, I agree - IF men are ever held equally accountable then they can be afforded equal say. I’m not holding my breath on that one, though. Women take the lion’s share of social stigma when it comes to sex, and always have.

I totally agree with your sentiment men should be held as an equally accountable participant. I preface that so what I am about to say as some sort of argument. Imagine a boyfriend wanting to keep the baby and the girlfriend doesn’t.

Notice how it’s always the men who end up paying child support, getting treated like second class citizens in custody battles. Yes, some morons say some stupid ■■■■ concerning women legs, but men definitely get the short end when it comes to long term outcomes.

In legal custody battles, perhaps.

In terms of society shaming them for their sexuality? Only if they aren’t straight.

No, but my wife is. Some of it rubs off.

What do you see?
Please be specific.

Please provide some sort of corroboration.


Oh really, please reveal the peer reviewed research that proves man made global warming.

On the old board, I was under the impression that you were an anarchist. It sounded like you were opposed to all taxation and you had an inversion of Mussolini’s fascist mantra as your signature.

No, it’s worse than that. BornAgainChristian’s statement makes no sense at all.

Scientific evidence cannot determine whether or not the fetus/embryo is a part of a woman’s body or not. What experiment could possibly be performed to determine? Does there exist a meter which measures the “partness” of a thing in relation to another thing. If I have a bullet in my body, and it has been there for years without my knowledge, it is not through the scientific method that we determine that it is not a part of my body.

Furthermore, everyone knows that an embryo is derived from the genetic material of both parents. This has been known for decades. Likewise, we all know that the embryo is not rejected by the mother’s body. How is the “latest research”?

Wrong guy. None of that was me.