Robert Francis O'Rourke 1 point behind Rafael Bienvenido Cruz in Texas

Well I’m right between you guys in age and I’m pretty spry and handsome myself.

You will never be 5’3 and 110 lbs.

If you were in the 10th grade for a decade, you were doing it wrong.

He won’t, but I will be.



I would join a short person club. We have to stick together (otherwise it’s easy to get separated and difficult to find each other in a crowd.)

True story. There was a midget behind me at 7/11 on Friday. It was the highlight of my day to be around someone shorter than me, who wasn’t under the age of 10.

One time this super friendly older Asian lady just started up a conversation with me and I realized how weird it was that I could see the top of her head. She ended up hugging me and it felt so weird to hug someone shorter than me, who wasn’t a kid. She felt so tiny.

The only conversation more frought with land mines than politics is religion. Just take a trip to the religion board on this forum to get a nice peek at how nasty people can get when religion is involved.

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I like the religion forum. That’s my second most posted in forum.

I never really realized I was short until I had a kid. When she was in elementary school, in Girl Scouts, we went to an event hosted by middle school Girl Scouts. I was standing talking to a group of the middle school girls, when I suddenly realized they were all taller than me. That was when I realized I was short.

My daughter is 5’9". She calls me her little tiny momma. :slight_smile:

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But as a visitor you know how bad it can get at times. It’s not as bad as politics but people (especially Christians and Atheists) can get out of control easily.

Three things you don’t talk about at the dinner table. Politics, race, and religion.

Is it weird that I secretly would like to reproduce with someone as short as I am, so that we can create miniature babies who would likely face as much height discrimination as I faced? I’m not against the idea of making taller (and browner) offspring, but my preference kinda wants to make hobbits.

You have a tall daughter.

Also: awwww.

No. I agree. Especially around people who you want to maintain good relations with, you need to know your audience and choose whether you really want to start a fight.

Yeah and you’ll never be 5’10 and anything, sport .

That’s really low. You don’t know the hurdles I’ve had to go over because my legs barely reach the ground.


I’ll join. 5’1” 106 lbs.

We’re all spunky, too!

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Haha I’m stealing that!

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Well you maybe don’t know how hard it is being so attractive. No one takes me seriously.

5’10” 170

Cali is some kind of sarcastic hobbit.

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