Rising threat of nuclear war

Prove it…don’t use your radical left-wing sites.

Ukraine crisis began in 2014. The separatist regions all use Russian weapons and all had Russian contractors/mercenaries involved.

I didn’t say they werent in Syria before Trump. You said advances. I provided with the way theya dvanced



You should check your link re China

The only increase in China GDP rate from 2010 through 2021 was under… Trump:

Russian made no advancement in Ukraine under Trump.

You said

It did not…check your own damn graph.

My Lord man.

And don’t crawfish either FaC.

Yes that’s why i posted the graph from your link. Now that I see your link thank you. The chinese economy grew slower under Obama than under Trump overall. Thanks for that ! :slight_smile:

I was wrong :smiley:

Crawfish? I am responding. If you want to engage then engage, don’t mimic. It’s unbecoming you are your own person.

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My God FaC.

Thank you for correcting my error truly.

So the score so far is

NK - yes ballistic missile
China - had lower drops in GDP growth under Trump than under Obama
Ukraine - the separatist had zero resources to fight without russian assistance and that’s why it was clearly Russian equipment and Russian contractors


All hail Trump!

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Russia made no advancement in Ukraine under Trump.

Russian Trumps were already in Syria propping up Bashar al-Assad and provided military assistance/support. Even using Russian own fighters.

NK fired no intercontinental missiles under Trump to my knowledge. Unless you want to post proof.



Russia did here you go:

This one is a blog but it covers the advances made between 2014 and 2018 and loss of life.

Then you might want to correct wiki and BBC.

That BBC timeline ends in 2014 cuz its an article from 2014? Or am I missing something

OK…you may have me there…about wiki?

No carbon emissions from nuclear bombs though.


That’s Wiki for the Donbass incursion. It does not have details other than “failed ceasefires” The war continued. I will however say that while the war went on and there were clearly russian contractors and resources in Donbass in 2017-2018, I can’t substantiate “advance” as it looks like it was a stalemate.

So Russians made no additional advancement in Ukraine under his administration.

Right other than additional civilian and military deaths due to continuous breaks of ceasefire i can’t find “advancements” though i am going to look at that map @Hexenbiest posted before … the war map and see if it has anything

Everybody keeps bringing up this crap movie. This was the good one.

The world has come minutes away from nuclear war several times. The same sort thing can happen again; will we continue to be so fortunate?

Here is an example from the Cuban Missile Crisis, when a Soviet submarine nearly fired a tactical nuke at American warships:

. . . a group of eleven United States Navy destroyers and the aircraft carrier USS Randolph trapped the diesel-powered nuclear-armed Soviet Foxtrot-class submarine B-59 near Cuba and started dropping practice depth charges, explosives intended to force the submarine to come to the surface for identification . . . Three officers on board the submarine . . . were authorized to launch the torpedo if agreeing unanimously in favor of doing so. An argument broke out among the three, in which only Arkhipov was against the launch. Although Arkhipov was only second-in-command of submarine B-59, he was actually Commander of the flotilla of submarines including B-4, B-36, and B-130, and of equal rank to Captain Savitsky. Arkhipov eventually persuaded Savitsky to surface the submarine and await orders from Moscow. This presumably averted the nuclear warfare which would have ensued had the torpedo been fired . . . When discussing the Cuban missile crisis in 2002, Robert McNamara stated that we came “very close” to nuclear war, “closer than we knew at the time.”

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