Rising threat of nuclear war

No worries.

FEMA Encourages Survivors of a Nuclear Holocaust To Mask, Socially Distance

“Talk to someone if you are feeling upset. Many people may already feel fear and anxiety about the coronavirus 2019 (COVID-19). The threat of a nuclear explosion can add additional stress,” ready.gov notes.


Ya know if we weren’t in such a serious crisis I would actually find their recommendations to be hilarious.

It’s all fun until boom, and the people saying he would never do it will have just 30 minutes before detonation to think on why they were wrong.

I posted this before but I remember in a political history class I took as an elective taught be a retired army officer, someone asked him who would start the nuclear war America or Russia and he said the one losing the conventional war without hesitation.

Way before I was born a whole generation was brought up with “duck and cover” I really don’t want to go through that ■■■■ again please over hubris.

Why do you hate Lockheed Martin?


I don’t like war, especially one that can end in a nuclear Holocaust I think some are thinking this is just like Afghanistan or Syria it’s not.

As a general was asked by NPR what does it mean that Russia raised its nuclear level.

General “Putin’s order may have meant he wanted the button activated.

Then again, it may not.”

Ya that’s not good enough of and assurance for me and especially not worth it. I can’t speak for all families living in the Ukraine but my in-laws want the war over they are devastated yet they remain mostly untouched because they are in the far west Ukraine geographically.

Her girlfriends in Mykolaiv are scared for their lives. It’s not all chest pounding like the media portrays already a million refugees lives are ruined.

Her brother goes to college fully paid in Kiev and is a professional swimmer hoping to make the Olympics with a real chance. It went from that to his parents trying to get papers forged so he can cross the polish border and not have to go to war.

Remember when people used to make fun of “duck and cover”?

My grandparents always found it funny.

“A desk is supposed to protect me from a fireball as hot as the sun?”


We get a lecture about “tray tables in the full upright position” with every flight.

How much is that worth in a plane crash?



The drums beat louder :drum: :long_drum: :drum: :long_drum: :drum: :long_drum: :military_helmet:

Screenshot 2022-03-04 183058

It looks like there a bunch of Americans ready to go to nuclear war over Ukraine:

Freedom apparently is only important in Ukraine.

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What russian email chain are you on?


All of them.


“Opinions are like noses. Everybody has one and there’s usually a couple of holes in them.” - Andrew Wommack.

What if, a few years from now, Ukraine decides their best interests lie with the EU and/or NATO? Will they be forever bound by your solution?

Putin offered an Austria/Sweden type neutrality.

Both Austria and Sweden are in the EU.

It works for them.

Now of course…neither Austria nor Sweden share a border with Russia (Sweden is shielded by NATO member Norway and Finland…Austria by NATO members Czech Republic and Slovakia).

So that’s a difference.

I will agree with Bill in this one thing…best outcome is a negotiated settlement that gives Putin an out and probably doesn’t make us feel good.

Because I don’t see an off ramp for Putin otherwise.

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I agree. Some face-saving sop to Putin will be required. Sad, but true.

Putin boxed himself in the corner on this on…but so did NATO.

An ice sheet a mile thick could be a problem…