Rex Tillerson on Trump

Unless he could use it to avoid paying taxes…but even then he would file and still say he never did

All good reasons for sending him to military school.

So trump is basically the participation trophy president…

It’s why he likes those Confederate statues so much

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Anyone he doesn’t like.

He can’t even acknowledge that his own son is on the spectrum.

Oh and @conan, get yourself professionally tested for ADHD. Doesn’t cost much for an evaluation and it’s highly co-morbid with dyslexia. It’s something worth checking out as if you test positive there’s a lot of resources that can help, not just medication.

Though the meds can help a LOT with the hyperactive subtype.

Who is the athlete with the biggest mouth but no skill? That’s who we elected.

That’s not true. Who told you that? Those with ADHD can have other problems but not necessary Dyslexic.

Those that are dyslexia only have slightly higher percentage with ADHD then general pop.

Is that confirmed? Are you talking about Baron?

It’s very common to have both, Conan. Not sure who told you otherwise.

Honestly, get it checked out. It might not be the case but it’s pretty common.

There’s been speculation about Baron but it’s unwarranted.

Don Jr has had alcohol probs so that would very much fall under self-medication.

That would be refreshing after two years of Konserva-krazy.

Those with ADHD make up what? 10/15 percent of pop?

Those that have dyslexic that have ADHD is anywhere 15 to 40 percent. Personally I think that 40 percent is extremely high.

Lot of good tradesmen are dyslexic. They go into trades because written requirement are minimal…but their problem solving is extremely high.

In order to have that ability focusing abilities is needed.

You’re buying into research to much…same research that are seeking money/funds.

Why you may ask? So they can push drugs. Profit to be made.

No, but it would be great if the guy in the White House had any idea at all what the constitution and the laws of this country say HE can and cannot do. Just because he’s president doesn’t mean he can do whatever the ■■■■ he likes and if it violates the law…so what!

I’m not attacking you, Conan.

AHDH doesn’t mean you can’t focus. I can sit down and read a book for 12 hours at a go if I find it interesting. If anything I can hyperfocus to the detriment of everything else. If I aint interested though, forget it.

Go talk to a professional at least. Might cost you a bit of money but the payoff is worth it, if i’m right.

I think you are perhaps letting personal bias sway you against the possibility. Give it some thought, please.

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Confirmed by trump or melania? No. They are insulted by the thought of it. An observation by people who work with children on the spectrum? Yes.

This is just ■■■■■■■■■ I have dyslexia, I have a bachelor’s degree in psychology, I have a Master’s degree in public and health administration, I read just fine and for the last 20 years have been the director of a program for people with Autism and manage very well a $5million plus budget each year. I once had a school psychologist tell in a conference for my daughter who has ADD, not ADHD…there’s a difference that I couldn’t be dyslexic because I can read. DYSLEXIC PEOPLE CAN READ. THEY ARE VERY INTELLIGENT…USUALLY AROUND 125 to 140 IQ, and the reason many of them go into trades is not because they can’t read…it is because we think in pictures.

It is that picture thinking that allows those in the trades to visualize and build things. It is what allows a Greg Luganus to dive the way he did. He’d visualize the mechanics of the dive and then go do the dive. Einstein was dyslexic. They appear bright, highly intelligent and articulate because they are. And we can read. I’m doing it now.

Sorry…I was a guinea pig long before most members on this forum were born.

I know what I have, been tested multiple times.

Back when they were trying to understand dyslexia during the 60’s.

where is that proof. I want to see where Trump has been diagnosed. He doesn’t have dyslexia…he has no signs of it.