Reverse Psychology!

What for?

offended? i already said that he did say things meant to keep calm, prevent panic, and stop people from stupidly making runs on stores. was there a way to do that without some downplaying? i don’t know, but i don’t think so. what could he have said that would not have caused a panic? i mean he could have said

"look, this is a deadly virus, so until we figure out how to treat it or get a vaccine here’s what the cdc says you should do

wash hands
social distance

if you’re in a high covid area

work remotely wherever possible
if you own a business and you can’t do this, consider temporarily closing your business

well… we were already doing those things

Dude he was holding rallies and gatherings without masking, got covid himself, had allies die of it who attended one of his rallies (Herman Cain), promoted crazy therapies, downplayed it and still to this day will not unequivocally promote vaccination.

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try reading the thread, we were discussing actions at the onset.


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While he himself was having indoor massless gatherings, ignoring mask requirements and threatening gov’s who shut down their states.

Which lead to the still existing trend of trump conservatives not taking the virus seriously and ignoring basic precautions, including taking the trump vaccine.

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Oh. Okay.

Do you buy the reverse psychology angle from the article in the OP?

Why would you engage in maskless gatherings and rallies if you know this…

“But the air, you just breathe the air. That’s how it’s passed. And so that’s a very tricky one. That’s a very delicate one. It’s also more deadly than your - you know, your - even your strenuous flus.”

again, not what’s being discussed. of course you knew that and decided to throw in your bit of disingenuous ■■■■■■■■ anyway

because fauci told him masks were useless. turns out he was right.

i’ll assume you know what onset means and chose to ignore it

No he was holding maskless gatherings and rallies throughout 2020- long after he knew masks were effective.

masks are not effective, do try to keep up with the science. cloth masks are virtually useless.

What an idiotic post.

Your workship of trump and the GOP makes conversation utterly ■■■■■■■ pointless anymore

It’s a shame. You used to be fun to talk with. Another trump casualty.

Just admit Trump ■■■■■■ up royally, and it had an effect on many supporters- yourself included! - or admit you are a lacky.

Either way, not point in continuing the ‘conversation.’.

what a completely stupid reply.

you know we were discussing actions at the onset of covid, not 4 months later. but because of your cronic tds just had to jump in with crap thats irrelevant to the actions taken at the onset. just admit that your cronic tds will not allow you admit the truth of all the good things trump did at the onset.

Sorry. You are wrong.

I didn’t need to lash out, for that I apologize, but you are being silly. Trump undermined his own governments response from day one and if you can’t admit that, there is no point in discussing further.

Good night.

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so what?

you guys are the ones who hang on every word from him. not me.

science: cloth masks are completely useless. surgical masks not much better.

there is no point in discussing your fantasies. he did no such thing

Well for sure we have a case of Trump Defensive Syndrome. but hey we don’t have to make the argument. The American public made a choice last November primarily based on his atrocious actions in 2020.

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