Reverse Psychology!

Breitbart - The Trust Lib News Source :wink:

First off, your comments on the county data are just wrong as I noted.

But your comment that hesitancy is more than one group is spot on. The two largest groups of the vaccine hesitant are:



Black people

Republicans are the far larger group and they seem to be led by their leaders on TV, radio and Internet peddling false info.

Black people have a history of distrust of govt due to Tuskegee etc….

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That talk out of both sides of mouth isn’t holding up.

I have no interest in continuing with this for now.

Let more data roll in and let minorities find out…once again…they have been ignored and marginalized.

Gettin’ seizures and kidney failure to own the ■■■■■■■ libs.

I think if someone drank too much water, they would piss their pants first.

Someone told me once that it someone drank too much water, their bladder would explode.

Where are the critics?

land can’t vote.

Same reason for them electing Trump.

“If it wasn’t for crazy leftists, we would not have been force to vote for Trump in the primaries and presidential election”

It’s quite hilarious

My mom told me that when I was a little kid because I was scared to go upstairs and use the bathroom (my brother and I shared a bathroom upstairs and couldn’t use our mom’s which was on the main level) and I believe it until I was in my early twenties and found out otherwise. I called her out on that and she was like, “yea, that was a lie… it would just back up and crush your kidneys”. Oh, moms.

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this is just not true. the demographics speak to the truth. it is not a trump/biden thing, its a minority thing. unless you have something to show that a majority of minorities voted for trump, your narrative is ■■■■■■■■■


That article doesn’t negate the fact that trump supporters also aren’t getting vaccinated.

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lol, that article is 3 month old.

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but it does negate this

No it doesn’t.

There can - and is - two groups in america that are not getting vaccinated. An article exploring the progress, or lack there of, being made by one group doesn’t mean the other group doesn’t exist.

It’s Elizabeth Cohen’s report about Moochelle’s new campaign to get Americans to drink more water and some of the criticism it’s getting. This is really absurd. Drink more water? It’s none of their business. Why do they care? You drink when you’re thirsty, and I don’t think there’s a water shortage, is there? The claims about extra water leading to extra health benefits, there’s so many myths associated with this.


Turn off the tv.


You’re not a fan?