Republicans ought to be castigating the president over the Trump Tower meeting, not covering for him

As far as " actual duty to find out if that were true or not."…You mean like Pizzagate? Or any BS rumour tat could be brought up. You gonna follow up on every nut bag rumour? You got that kind of time?

Tell me more about the Millions. $500K aint ■■■■■

Not at all. The Mueller probe was not that narrow nor incorrectly charged.

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You’re funny. You say all those words like they are a bad thing.

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Blame the victim. Classic Clinton MO. Get back to us with Bruce Ohr, Michael Steel, and Fusion conspiracies when you want to get serious.

Beware of stupid people in large numbers.


Fishing expeditions usually aren’t. :laughing:

Seriously? Do you commonly admire dictators? Or someone that invaded other countries? Someone that poisons rivals?

Judging from your love of Putin, I’m guessing you could just turn to the right and talk to a Russian lady.

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This is no fishing expedition. Mueller is not casting about hoping some fish nibbles.

He is hunting two legged land snakes.

He has been quite successful so far. But I don’t think he has come anywhere close to bagging his limit.


Trump is not a conservative.

MIchael Steele? Have you been studying Spicer’s book?

A Republican yes. A conservative, no.

But a Republican only for the sake of convenience. Pro-life for the sake of convenience. Bible enthusiast … lover of the military… and so on.


A duty for the FBI or other law enforcement.

You dont know that. You only “know that” because that’s what Trump and Trump Jr have said. And they’ve been caught in a lot of lies surrounding this meeting.

Its incredible this still has to be explained

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He is the great pandered in chief. No doubt about that.

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You do know that Fusion GPS was originally hired on behalf of the Rubio campaign during the primary, right?

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The power of denial and or wilfully being ignorant as has been displayed by Trumpettes is amazing, simply amazing.

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