Republicans ought to be castigating the president over the Trump Tower meeting, not covering for him

If you actually listen to what Rush and Fox say it’s really not that surprising.

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A lot of lawyers are trying to call unsolicited information from a foreign national a “thing of value,” the equivalent of valuable things like money or services and thus prohibited by the statute. That is a highly dubious and tortured interpretation as many lawyers have noted.

Another problem that jumps out to me is that criminalizing such a face to face meeting and bare exchange of information, unaccompanied by offers of money or service, violates free speech rights, and particularly freedom of association. Trump Jr, etc., do not leave their First Amendment rights at the door by signing on to a political campaign. Having the freedom to associate with whomever you choose, whether they are from Russia or Mars, is at the core of the amendment. Likewise the freedom to speak freely without fear of punishment is likewise a central and a nearly absolute right. (This is based on my existing knowledge of the freedoms and constitution; I have not researched the case law)

I’m not the only one who has brought up the First Amendment — I think a lawyer guest during a CNN segment did but I don’t recall the name (or maybe it was MSNBC). Of course a court might find away around the constitutional and the statutory interpretation problems as courts so often do in criminal cases.

I have no special insight what Mueller will do, maybe he’ll indict, but to me it’s not a prosecutable case, meaning you may not only lose, but it could turn into a PR disaster by trampling on constitutional freedoms and for a lot of other reasons given the cast of characters.

I’d be very interested in what Prof Dershowitz thinks about the First Amendment argument.

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Another “Miss Piggy” episode where you want everyone to light their hair on fire and run around like you? Nope. What you should be asking is why is it that Loretta met with Bill 3 days prior to Hillary’s decision being made? Why did the head of the FBI make Lynch’s decision? Why was a lead investigator appointed to investigate someone whom he had a political hard on for? Why were FISA warrants issued based on a dossier that was paid for by his political opponent? Who was in collusion with who to produce it? Why was the judge not implicitly told who paid for it? These are serious concerns my friend. Get out of the Miss Piggy shallow end of the pool and wade out into the deep end. If you do, you’ll drown in the political corruption of the Obama WH.

Good questions, if only there were a republican president, with a republican lead congress and a republican lead DOn who could do something about that…

I agree and it’s slowly being revealed as career people in government that had a strong liberal political leaning are being replaced.

Any day now…:joy:

The Weekly Standard huh? Might sound reasonable if some of their people weren’t linked to people in fusion gps and their original “opposition research” on trump.

You might want to read this.

In total, $145 million went to the Clinton Foundation from interests linked to Uranium One, which was acquired by the Russian government nuclear agency Rosatum

You asked.

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On Trump Tower mtg: "We suspect Republicans will come to regret their new anything-goes rationalization. Will it be okay for Elizabeth Warren’s presidential campaign to seek copies of Trump’s still-secret tax returns from hackers working for North Korea?"

— Stephen Hayes (@stephenfhayes) August 10, 2018
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And trump–zees would be just as ok with that.

What victim? You denying the DNC was the victim of hacking?

An inconvenient truth. :slight_smile:

Yeah, I’m sure the Excuse Patrol will figure out a reason. :slight_smile:

What does Michael Steele have to do with this?

Yup. The massively stupids definitely won this time.

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Again with the “frothing”? It makes me laugh every time I see it. You must have a lot of rabid dogs in your neighborhood.

Follow the bread crumbs…

None of this absolves the Trump campaign or calls into question the intelligence community’s conclusion that “Putin and the Russian Government aspired to help . . . Trump’s election chances.”

I ask you about the Millions of Dollars and you give me an opinion piece that says basically what every Troll on the internet says. No names. No transactions. Just innuendo.

He is black