Republican Poll Shows Abortion is Driving Voters Towards the Democrats

Don’t worry about it. There’s no help for some people. LOL

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Imho any Republican candidate should avoid the abortion issue. If they are asked there is no need to get into a discussion, just state their position and move on.

Republicans will lose more voters than they will gain by making it a focal point.

If pushed by an interviewe or journalist my advice would be to say there are a whole range of issues they want to address just as important so lets devote time to then as well.

Ha not like I am a political strategist just another forum posters, so feel free to think I am talking out of my arse. :grinning:


Slavers said that about slavery in 1860. :roll_eyes:

They were so insistent on having their slavery that they went to war to preserve it.

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I doubt any one is going to start a civil war over abortion. And like I said I am just a humble poster not a professional political strategist though it would be a cushy job.

Like it, or not, sometimes there is a very real medical need for an abortion. And “Hey, we’re willing to let you incur severe medical injury, or death, to appease the base” may just not be a winning message.

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History will probably look down on abortion just as much as slavery before it’s over.

Should anyway.


People being abandoned by the Lord and unable to think correctly are gonna get 7 years, then it ends badly for them.

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Only if you believe. Unbelievers will just be dead.

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Not sure that is the complete answer. I would reframe the response to point out that the Dobbs decision put abortion policy in the hands of individual states where it constitutionally belongs. It took abortion policy out of the hands of big government to impose one will on every state, and put it into the hands of more locally accountable authorities who will be brought into line by their electorates to provide their state with what most voters in that state wants through electoral power. And that so far this change has not put abortion out of the reach of any American citizen. Can the Democrats name anyone who could not get an abortion somewhere in the US due to this change.

I would then point out how applying the same decentralising policies in other areas has improved communities vs. how the greater centralised control of specific policies of Democrats have harmed communities.

The totals were the only thing I was interested in passing along to conservatives.

When I quote from someone, (especially the great one - Mark Levin) I try to be careful not to add to what the person I’m quoting said.

7 years?

Unbelievers will not be “dead” dead. They will not continue to exist. Extinction is a spurious notion.

The Tribulation.

CS Lewis described pain as God’s megaphone. In the last half it gets essentially turned way up.

100 percent. If Republicans allow this next election to be about abortion, they lose. Just like last time. Fight a battle we can win.

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If Republicans allow this next election to be about abortion, they lose. Just like last time. Fight a battle we can win.

Two wings, one bird.

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That’s disgusting. Also, gen Z seems to be more pro-life than the previous generations.

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Exactly. So I don’t know why pro-aborts are up in arms, if they truly are about personal freedom as they say.

Abortion isn’t a right.

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I support indirect means to stop deaths by firearms, especially with kids.

Instead of detention, create anger management and meditation classes. Address mental health issues. Have better security at schools. Hold parents responsible and for kids who don’t have someone in their lives that they can depend on, start a program where they can get that support.

There are already requirements for background checks to purchase a firearm.