Republican Poll Shows Abortion is Driving Voters Towards the Democrats

You know what’s ironic? I get accused of being pro-choice and even pro-death at my university, while online I get bullied for being pro-life.

Dad, me, and other people close to me believe that I’m pro-life.

I was on the fence about abortion before implantation- that is, pre-embryo stage of development (zygote, morula, and blastocyst) because it doesn’t always implant, and many birth control simply harden the lining of the uterus without preventing ovulation.

Someone in my life recently pointed out that even in the earliest stages of life, from conception, human life matters, and thus, these types of BC are abortifacents.

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Let me share with you a change I recently made on my stance. Someone helped me understand that a blastocyst is still a human being, and therefore, deserves life and the ability to grow.

I would love to see your source. A human fetus is at 9 weeks gestational age.

Only if you believe that. The truth is, nobody actually knows, and the dead aren’t talking.

Why do the other 1st world countries , with similar lifestyles and economies, have nothing near the amount of shootings per capita that we have…with the only real difference is the access to firearms?

Occam’s razor comes to mind

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That is very true. The visceral over reaction to Dobbs by Republicans in a handful of States was successfully used by Democrats to paint all Republicans with the same brush and thus destroy them at the polls. Republicans cannot win on abortion regardless of the correctness of their argument because it’s so easy to paint them as radicals on the issue.

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Then move there.

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Oh no, they would never do that. They want their cake and to eat it too.

What I’m getting is we’re in for an eternal Iron Maiden concert. Sign me up!

There ya go. Hey gop. Run on this….

That it is likely to be a loser at the polls does not make it untrue.

I didn’t say anything about whether it was true

I don’t know for certain tbh. There is a correlation between violent video games and school shootings, so that could be it.

Those countries have violent video games as well. And they get played just as much.

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Then I don’t understand. I cannot answer your question. I used to do a lot of research about these kinds of things and I have stopped for my own good.

You usually don’t …

Mhmmm mhmm mhmm

For a reason :blush:

Ritalin as well.


I agree.

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