Republican Poll Shows Abortion is Driving Voters Towards the Democrats

You are right about that, but it does not change the scientific fact that the “cellular tissue” being removed (killed) is as human as the mother from which it was removed. Admit that and move on. Otherwise, achieving the “compromise” will not succeed.


The opposition is to the left’s rationalizing abortion by falsely claiming that the 13-week-old fetus is not human. The right has already shown the willingness to compromise by proposing and sometimes enacting laws that limit abortion to between 9 weeks (heartbeat laws) and 15 weeks (two weeks beyond the majority supported first trimester) yet the left is still running around with their hair on fire claiming conservatives want to take over women’s bodies. All you have to do is quit freaking out and meet conservatives halfway and you can have your compromise. if you libs want to kill your babies before they are born because you find them inconvenient, I don’t have a real problem with that. But I object strenuously with you© justifying it by pretending that they are not living human organisms. Just be honest about what you’re doing for God’s sake.

Why for instance are you changing the subject?

It turns out legislators don’t like ballot initiatives.

You want to vote on “rights”? You sure?


Almost like it is for you.


In case people struggle to find the video in the link:


In this twisted new world of bored, lily white libs perpetually seeking the next big soapbox, one has to be intentionally retarded to try and call a human baby anything else, because once again, even a little child knows that it’s a living human being.

Human DNA from sperm + Human DNA from an egg will always equal a human baby.



Yep … whether it lives to see the light of day or not.


I don’t care for that fellow.


That is an outlier.

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Rasmussen consistently skews to the right.

And the poll question was not “Do you approve of the Dobbs decision?” but “Do you approve of overturning Rowe?” so the headline is misleading.

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Oops bad news for dems.

One outlier from a poll known to skew Republican. Until we see these results repeated across multiple polls, Republicans running on restricting abortion is excellent news for the Democrats.


oUtLiEr!1! ReAd FoRbEs InStEaD!!one11!


What makes it an outlier? A poll that finds an opinion different than other polls does not equate to “outlier.”.

Oh, and all polls are skewed. The pollster’s questions invariably have a bias and the response to them is voluntary. One reason so many polls incorrectly predict outcomes is because there are many people of the same mind who refuse to participate in a poll.

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If a value is less than the lower quartile minus 1.5 times the inter-quartile range or a value is greater than the upper quartile plus 1.5 times the inter-quartile range, then that value is considered to be an outlier.

Maybe Arendt will show us his calculations.

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Maybe @H_Arendt could show us a lot of things. :wink:

If you are going to change the definition of “outlier” then this is not an outlier.