Republican Poll Shows Abortion is Driving Voters Towards the Democrats

What they should do is emphasize that issues like this were Constitutionally supposed to be an issue for each individual state, which is now simply where it’s at. This is now an issue for the people in each state to seek to resolve.

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I doubt it. They are very careful to not get stung by medical malpractice suits. But a PP employee might …

That’s fine, but do you think that is a sound strategy for R’s win back women pissed off that they have had a right taken away?

It isn’t a right.


gallop just came out with a poll.

69% of people think 1st trimester should be legal.


the human life begins at conception crew is in the definite minority.


Great. That should translate into laws in states where the overwhelming majority believe that.

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It’s not your data. It’s your conclusion.

Biology is not subject to popular vote.

Believe the science.

Y’know, if these state legislatures had any stones at all they’d put these restrictive abortion laws on the ballots for the people to vote on. But since they saw what happened in Kansas I don’t think that’s gonna happen any time soon.

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I think they should too.

What happened in KS was that they wrote the measure with language that gave the legislature unspecified leeway to change things moving forward.

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No, in the Kansas constitution it says current abortion laws can’t be changed. They wanted that taken out by the voters and it failed.

no, but 1st trimester abortions should be on the ballot in all 50 states.

thats 12 weeks.

it would pass overwhelmingly in most states


Whether or not you know it, you agreed with me.

First trimester => 13 weeks.

So why the outrage from the left about 15 weeks?

There is no contradiction between belief (which is supported by science) that life begins at conception and the opunion that first trimester abortion should be legal.

13 weeks. But the left has their hair on fire over state laws that limit abortions to 15 weeks.

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l am about as lefty as you can get, first trimester seems like a good compromise.


so then why the opposition?


why for instance is OhIo trying to block voter initiatives at the ballot box this coming august?
