Republican Party silent over Trump comments

I wish he would stop catering to them.

I also wish more of the party would stand up to that minority. They shouldn’t get to control the party.

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“Congresswoman, have you ever had anyone tell you to go back to a country from which you came from or which your ancestors came from?” asked co-anchor John Berman.

“Oh, gosh,” said Love. “The country I came from was the United States, the country I was born in.”

“Just like these women,” said Camerota.

"Mia Love is a loser. She couldn’t even win in a district that was 85% Republican.

“I don’t care about losers. I only care about winners.”

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Mia Love needs to go back to her country

The silence from the GOP Congress is deafening. It is really SAD. Accepting all of this so that they can stay in power. Sold their soul.


I have to imagine there are dozens who are not okay with this. But to speak out against the POTUS is to risk their careers.

Well only 45% of Utah voters voted for Trump…and Love was born in New York City.

Trump probably wishes Utah and New York were separate countries…lol!

Well you know Susan Collins must be deeply concerned. I’m a little surprised Romney and Sasse couldn’t find any spine.


Yep, if they actually knew anything about communism they would know that the end goal of communism is no government at all. I would think they’d be onboard with that.

I’ll be honest. The Republican Party’s silence is the most disturbing part of this. Trump is a known commodity and is almost expected to say these things. However, an entire political party remaining silent on a straight forward issue is worrisome.


I know this guy left the GOP recently, but I still find this tweet heartening:


I’ll be heartened when a single GOP politician who hasn’t either left office or announced their departure decides to be honest about what is going on with Trump. It’s basically a bunch of Lindsey Grahams and Marco Rubios atm…people who were willing to tell the truth when they didn’t think Trump was going to win and then suddenly forgot what they actually think about him.

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If this tweet truly has some legs, every Senate and Congressional race that may be close, Democratic candidates should be using this as an example of how Republican silence is why the country is so deeply divided.


I hear you, but at least Amash is still in office, and that counts for something, in my mind.

You can’t scrub this away because you dont like it.
This story is too big of an issue to just dismiss. People are gonna talk about it and either you can get with the program or get left behind.

Its telling that only Trumpers want to dismiss this…

I think Republican politicians are between a rock and a hard place. Here’s why…

The Republican base holds a lot of different beliefs. So they have to represent their constituents (to not piss voters off, stay in office, etc).

So what do the politicians do?

The religious thing? Only if that’s what the majority of their constituents want.

The practical thing? Only if that’s what the majority of their constituents want.

The mean thing? Only if that’s what the majority of their constituents want.

They’re representing the people that put them in office. They have to carry out their wants and wishes.

Now, they can play politics a bit with how they react to things. For example, a delayed response is different than an immediate response. These politicians know how to play the game.

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Lol, Rush opened his program today with this: "I know many of you have been waiting for this hour to arrive, so that you may know how to think and feel about the events of this weekend (regarding Trump’s comments).

Says it all, about the CEC.


Lol. That’s perfect. And did he tell them how they should think and feel?

In other threads on this topic we had Trump supporters trying to say that Trump was telling them to go back to their districts and fix things at a local level before commenting nationally!!!