Republican Party silent over Trump comments

I find this hilarious. The strongest condemnation to date.

Asked about Ms May’s views on the comments, her official spokesman said: “The prime minister’s view is that the language used to refer to these women was completely unacceptable.”

The response is Ms May’s strongest criticism of the Republican to date.

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Thrust and parry…

So our guy said something racist and zenophobic…hmmm (worried Fox News wonder how this will be treated)…

“Oh yeah, well you guys are COMMUNISTS!”


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and hate Israel! :thinking:

All this fauxrage and the internet still only cares about Area 51 memes this week. lol


Yeah, ■■■?

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This is the reason why Republicans are silent. They are too busy worshipping Trump.

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Yes…just the gop…watch the trends

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Lindsay Graham is part of the problem. He has zero spine. Zero.

His divisiveness is disgusting. But, its par for the course in order to worship His Orangeness.


These people are behaving about Trump, the exact way they accused Democrats of behaving towards Obama.

Trump is their Messiah.


There have been many key points throughout history where people had a chance to take a stand against a growing tide of ugliness and hate. Many conservatives, through their silence or support, are choosing which side they want to be on. And while I am sure a few years from now they will claim they never loved Trump or were somehow forced into the positions they found themselves, the rest of us will know better.


Thing is what Trump is doing is working; his approval rating has recently hit a new high; people are generally used to idea of him in WH, economy is doing well - so what if every few weeks there’s an ■■■■ storm because he tweeted something stupid ?

So Republicans pretty much learned to take it all in stride.


You are limiting yourself to Trump’s approval among Republicans I assume. He polls very high, but interestingly there’s been a15-20% turnover under Trump with R’s who dislike him becoming I’s and far-right I’s becoming R’s.

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It’s almost like a game now to Trump. “I wonder just how far can I take things before I get any pushback from other Pubs?”

It’s a very good question.


I am…even on the really negative stuff he polls around 60%

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Mia Love said something:

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“I’m not making any excuses for him. It has to stop. I always feel like I’m not part of the ‘America First’ that he goes out and he talks about all the time,” Love said. “I’m an American. I’ve always been an American. I’ve been a Republican longer than he has, so, you know, I think that that’s the problem. Most people don’t see, don’t feel like they’re part of this America that he talks about.”

At least that’s something. Kudos to her. I’m going to praise anyone from the GOP who is willing to say the president is wrong to say what he’s saying.


What a RINO.

But can we find someone CURRENTLY in office to say something? Why are they ok with this?

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His base is a minority of the electorate.

I’m not okay with this. This is not the Republican party that I grew up in.