Reperations questions

I agree with your opinion about the impact to race relations. My wife his white and her family in from West Pennsylvania and East Ohio. No one in her family owned slaves.

I’ve said what I said here straight to her family’s face. But I did it respectfully. I think that’s the key. The messenger matters.

It will ruffle feathers… even for white Democrats. However with the right plan and message, I think we can move past it.

This is a joke, though. Anyone getting into a heated debate over this has problems.

I agree this shouldn’t be a debate…but here we are.

Maybe we just think that talking race is boring? What am I supposed to ask? My black friends who went to the same school that I did, live in the same upper middle class neighborhood, work for the same multi-national corporations and earn roughly the same salary, that I have, pretty much share similar life experiences to me. In our world, there is no real racist issues. Race is not something that I have ever heard anyone take note of. When the races are divided it’s primarily (but not always) due to liberals who want to divide an group people.

pffffttt. Waive mine.

I gotta say, getting reimbursed for my great-great-etc. grandfather’s ultimate sacrifice in freeing the slaves does sound tempting. It’s not like he wasn’t drafted or anything and forced to die for his country.

But yeah, to me that sounds about as stupid as trying to figure out which descendant is owed what, or if every single blood relative gets a few bucks instead of one lucky member getting the lump sum.

Keep the mob fighting with each other, and they’ll never come knocking on your door.

The Democrats will pander this lie to get there votes at best they will have some meaningless vote that will not even pass a democrat majority house.

In the end reparations doesn’t even poll well on the left, but it’s a good way to get them to vote.

Again the Gov under Obama gave them to jewish people. Why cant slave decendants get the same thing

Wave mine too! Let somebody else pay for the roads that I use. Gimme a free ride.

In a round about way threads like this always seem to boil down to …

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Descendant of a slave? Then yes!

What lie is that?

People act like slavery was ions ago…

And right proper meaningless feel good phony baloney ideological pablum was behind it as well.

Bad things have happened … why does the Left imagine throwing other people’s money taken from them by force somehow makes them innocent and good?

If you want to give “reparations” to some person for whatever cause at your own expense and at your discretion y’all are free to do so.

But leave everyone else alone, we aren’t responsible for those wrongs.

Doesn’t matter if the last to have ever been a slave In America died yesterday. I don’t owe his kids a penny. None of us do. Not even you.

Do you feel the same way when america gave jewish people reparations?

For what exactly were they given that “we” did?

Happy reading

This is that whataboutism being complained about lately on these boards.

There is none of that we can pay one group but not another… Gee i wonder why