Reperations questions

No American citizen ethnic group gets tax exempt status, not even Native Americans so that won’t fly and I’m pretty sure Democrats would never vote for that!

Why not let people choose to donate to a “Federal reparation fund” on their tax return forms and why not expand that fund to include descendants of those who died in the Civil War. And anyone with a claim for eligibility of either descendants of CW veterans or slaves can initiate and provide proof they are eligible.

Oh, so sorry JayJay, I fixed it.

It will fly.

Allowing descendents to keep all the income from their labor for three generations doesn’t take anything away from anyone else, and fixes the problem of unpaid labor with hard work and labor. It’s the perfect bootstraps solution and should get bipartisan support.

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Then when they have to pay taxes again? That will be ugly.

It won’t be ugly. They’ll just pay taxes again. I’ve never heard this argument regarding any other tax cut.

It’s not a tax cut. It’s an elimination. A few percentage points is one thing. But going from 0 to say 35%? Yeah, that’s going to be ugly. Kids are going to complain like you won’t believe when they’re paying income taxes and their parents are not.


Slavery wasn’t voluntary and neither should the repayment.

White men who fought in the civil war were paid. They would not be eligible.

It’s a cut. Think of the three generations of lost wages and 100% inheritance tax the same as a billionaire’s huge business loss. With proper accounting, zero taxes will be owed. There’s no reason why the tax cut reparations suggested in this thread cannot stand on that precedent.

It won’t be ugly. It just will be.

And there’s the real reason.

Millions of Americans ancestors had nothing to do with slavery in America. Haven’t you heard we are a nation of immigrants?

The Union Army consisted of “both” volunteers as well as conscripts and they paid the price for emancipation with their lives so IMO those who died in the CW should be eligible for any reparations.

You are not for middle class keep more of their money than the rich?

Mischaracterization. No slavery ended up not being good for those who were slaves. Slavery was horrible. However, the descendents of slaves, more than 150 years after slavery, are not currently experiencing Jim Crow laws, are not getting lynched, are by law given equal protection, even if at times imperfectly. Anyone who experiences racial discrimination has the ability to sue those who discriminate against them based on their race, and get money for that. There are civil laws where you can get money if one is actually experiencing discrimination based on their race of being black.

Overall, reparations have been done because equal opportunity is offered to slaves descendents. Equal opportunity is all the reparation one needs, no one is in bondage right now, and the opportunity exists. In any case, if there are racial inequities, and are not perfect, societies in most cases don’t get money for those not treated 100% equally. It does happen to be that the descendents of slaves are better off in the United States, and their economic condition of the descendents do happen to be better than if they were still in Africa. Some of those areas in Africa where they were taken from, such as Ghana, there is slavery right now. Ghana - Free the Slaves… Now the standard of living in the US is better for the descendents than those they left behind. To say that that fact doesn’t matter is not honestly looking at this issue.

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Fine. Then don’t send them checks… just let them keep their own money through 100% federal tax exemption.

So it was either voluntary or they were paid.

Did slaves have a choice to not be a slave? Or fight for the confederacy?

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Free college tuition is an acceptable reparations program.

Not what you said there champ.

“I don’t owe rich people anything, yet they are getting to keep more of their money than I am.

Seem like you missed the original point I was making

How about NO.

So nothing was built after slavery ended?