Reperations questions

No they haven’t… show me where welfare was deemed by the federal government as reparations for slavery?

You aren’t making any sense… the up and down nature of the economy has still resulted in a upward trend. Why would we need to account for recessions?

Apparently welfare was built as repayment specifically to slaves and their ancestors. Who knew?

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Anyone who was once a slave should receive reparations…from the former owner.

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Okay, say your great grandpa had been paid way back when. What are the odds that it would turn into the kind of money you are looking to get from the federal government today? Or are you suggesting Great grandpa would have put it all in a bank and just kept it there earning interest for you all these years?


The federal government was responsible. They allowed slavery to happen by having laws in place to make it a part of the American dream.

The US government get its money from American taxpayers and since America is the most diverse ethically integrated country in the world it would effect every citizen no matter, color, race or creed! The small amount of “white” Americans that go back to Revolutionary times or even further to the era of Jamestown are probably the most likely to have African American ancestry in their own DNA and possibly be excempt so essentially it would be oppression and punitive punishment to “whites” that had absolutely nothing to do with slavery in America.

I guess we will never know the likelyhood. White men in 1865 decided that releasing slaves was enough of a repayment for their work.

When a person is released from prison after being deemed they were wrongly convicted by the state… don’t they get back pay? Do they adjust back pay to be in line with recessions that may have happened while in prison?

Then let slave descendants keep their own money by making their income exempt from federal taxes. I say make it exempt until death for all verified slave descendants.

No taxes forever for descendants of slaves? Sales tax exempt too? State income taxes?

Even if they’re athletes making $20 million plus a year?

Then they have kids- who are still descendants of slaves. Guess what? They don’t pay taxes their whole lives. Then they have more- then you have nobody paying any taxes at all.

Nope just federal. If a southern state wants to do the same with state or property taxes… then so be it.

Yep. Why would that be a problem?

I thought the rich don’t pay their fair share?

You don’t see the flaw with the “until death” part?

When they have kids- they’re the descendants of slaves too, right? They won’t have to pay a tax their entire lives.

Please fix this post, @Roxiebelle.

I didn’t post what you have me quoted as posting.

I think it’s a board glitch. I’ve had this happen to me as well

Sorry, That’s not an obligation, just a change in history. And the pain and suffering of slavery was not inherited.
Nor was the guilt of those involved.
It seems rather unethical to have the descendants of those families where people died to end slavery to be paying an additional toll, after they already paid the ultimate price.,

Was America built on slave labor yes or no?

America was built on slave labor and the labor of others as well. I am pretty sure I have not inherited any money from a relative who died before 1900.

If we’re going to play this game, then America was built on the land and assets taken from native Americans. They would have the stronger demand for payments, which would only consist of everyone else leaving the continent and returning the land to them.
Sorry…that’s just not how history works.

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Hmmm the US paid out 12 million for Jewish Reparations…

You’ll have to check with Obama as to why he thought that was appropriate. However, that was limited to the welfare of living holocaust survivors, not to the descendants of holocaust survivors.

What does that have to do with the other 99.5% of African Americans who aren’t rich and descendants of slaves?

It will have to be time limited. Let’s say 3 generations… which is equal to about how many years the United States existed with slavery (1776-1865)

So what should the repayment for 400 years of free labor be? Or are you suggesting that our repayment was living here in the first place?

I’ve already made a compromise in this thread. Waive federal income taxes for all descendants of slaves for 3 generations. Starting in 2020. Not taking money from you… just keeping my own money.

There would need to be a minimal eligibility criteria but those are small details that can be worked out.

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