Remember the conspiracy theories about COVID internment camps?

Yes, fear is the answer.

No. The elderly and the weak.

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5 million have died. It’s still a low mortality rate.

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Yes, it is honest to say there are multiple ways to interpret the snippet until more information is presented.

Fear can lead to self preservation- definitely the answer.

Sorry statistics aren’t showing this is almost entirely a disease that kills the unvaccinated.

Are you ok with forced firearm ownership and carry, or you lose your job?


Unvaxxed chance of being hospitalized if they get covid is 0.8 percent by the way. Oh scary.

But have a far higher rate of transmitting the disease to others. If it were strictly a personal decision I wouldn’t care.

It is strictly a personal decision because a vaccine exists.

The unvaccinated have a far higher rate of transmitting the disease to others. Not personal.

By inserting words?

Not true.

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Sorry, that isn’t true.


Did you bother to read the study? As far as I could see, none of them received treatment, vaxxed or unvaxxed.


see previous post.

We don’t just go untreated when we get it now. So do the study again and this time provide treatment and see what we get. Not to mention it ignores self quarantine.

"Even though the peak viral load was similar for vaccinated and unvaccinated people, the viral load decreased faster for fully vaccinated people with a Delta infection than for unvaccinated people.

“This study confirms that COVID-19 vaccination reduces the risk of delta variant infection and also accelerates viral clearance in the context of the delta variant,” Wilders-Smith wrote."

Treatment reduces viral load. Try again.