Red State Brain Drain

My research and anecdotes indicate that (especially edible) cannabis prevents, treats, and aids in the recovery of Kung Flu Phlegming. It’s all central to cannabis’ role in homeostasis. Some posters here have also reported alleviated symptoms after ingesting some. I have personally never caught it (unless I am one of the over 60% of the world population who are asymptomatic in its presence). Your mileage may vary. At the end of the day, trust in your own research.


Right…I bet more then pro-life under any circumstances.

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Isn’t at will abortion up to birth the current democratic position?


Precisely. Libs refuse to compromise.

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We just want Roe like choice back, nationally

I believe so…but he wants you to believe only very small percentage of extremist support abort anytime.


Really? So when do democrats want to cut off abortion? How many weeks?

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Why do you think (a really small percentage of) women generally get late-term abortions—that is, after the 21st to 24th week?

[quote=“PurpnGold, post:186, topic:242540, full:true”]

Pass an amendment

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I’m going to say some for health reasons. Others procrastinating or their boyfriend ran out on her.

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Wow. Okay.

WHY…women don’t procrastinate? Or change their minds? Women are always changing their minds…or does my use of word women offends you?

Why would the word “women” offend me?

15 weeks is plenty of time unless health of the mother is at stake.

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Well libs are easily offended nowadays.

The the subject of the OP:


The more we can do to keep the left in their own sinking ships and to quit running to the greener pastures of the red states, the better.


No that is right wing spin.

Almost 95 % of abortions are done at 15 weeks or less. You cool with abortion happening until 15 weeks?

Whats the cut off? Links appreciated.

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I am ok with 15 weeks, for now.