I retired at 50 thanks to Obama’s idiotic energy policies which enabled me to and got bored fast. You will either need a nearly unlimited supply of retirement money or be ready to start another career just to keep from boring yourself to death.
Maybe if it was easier to get an abortion those who can’t afford it wouldn’t be having all these children they cannot support.
Yep, just kill off the excess population, damned good idea.
You have just joined the ranks of Stalin, Mao, Hitler and other greats we’ve known throughout history.
I have a better idea. How about we stop them from entering the US to begin with, deport all of those who have where practical, and cut them all off from all social services and welfare programs.
Maybe then they’d choose to stay in their home countries and change them for the better.
Maybe if Conservatives hadn’t turned “Union” into a dirty word, people without an education would still be making a decent wage with great benefits. But, no - you guys had to ruin that, too. Jerks.
It’s called choice and I believe in it. Keep defunding and closing women’s health clinics and you will get more children that people cannot afford to raise.
And like most Conservatives, I see you are anti-abortion, but by your statements don’t give a damn about them after they are born.
Must be why Black and Hispanic employment is at record highs…
I plan on doing a little something, fulfilling my honey-do and hobby lists, but farming and being around my 16 year old will take up most of my time.
Good time to cut social security funding.
It’s called killing the unborn out of convenience.
Enjoy the company you now find yourself in.
Nobody cut social security funding, quit making things up.
Tap dancing trolls batman.
Are you once again hopping from thread to thread trying desperately to connect (perceived) wage disparity as the cause of everything from Baby Boomers retiring to Small businesses facing a tight employment market?
Sheesh. Get a job skill already!
Meanwhile try pestering your relatives to join Amway. You’d be good at it.
And by the way, you are of course wrong again, I am not against abortion in all cases and never have been.
What I am, is honest enough to admit what it is.
Abortion is not the only way to reduce unwanted pregnancies either nor to reduce welfare rolls.
rolling eyes
Well now it’s opposition to abortion by conservatives that’s the real problem. Hell just kill off the little bastards and it will solve all our problems!
Yeah. If people having enough money to retire is a problem, we should take
the only things we can do are either
take their money
raise the retirement age, or
stop shifting their healthcare costs to young families who are just starting out.
White or black?
Cut it and use the money to fund education price control.
If you saved for your retirement you shouldn’t need it baby boomers.
I’m old enough that I remember when people (especially private sector unions back when we had those) recommending mandatory retirement so the unemployed could find jobs.
Now those rotten-old Vietnam vets (and the hippies who protested them) have enough money to retire voluntarily and it’s some sort of problem?
Sean now just mentions the U3 rate.
Well since we were talking about illegal aliens in particular, mostly brown.