Record cold in the Midwest

The temperature in Perth today has virtually zero to do with global temperatures.

And your “little land to be effected” remains irrelevant to average global temperatures.

That’s what I said.

400ppm? My plants love way more than that.

Day after Tomorrow. I swear they think it’s a documentary.


It seems like you guys are claiming the earth is not heating up. Is that your position? Samm and Wildrose disagree with you if you do.

It’s almost like you need to take global averages over a timespan longer than 1 week to determine if the Earth is heating up.

Hmmmmm. Science hard.

It’s 18 degrees where I’m at now. Supposed to be in the 50s next week which is way above average.

I gotta say, I really enjoyed that film. It’s a really fun survival flick when all the sheep feed is ignored.

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Thanks to global warming, it’s currently snowing instead of freezing rain in Missouri.

I would much rather have a repeat of 2013 than 2007. That was the first time in over a decade that we had a significant snowfall that didn’t melt away for 2 weeks.

That would be the weather not climate.

In a world of unlimited possibilities, cattle limit themselves to the trough.


This post won’t delete for some reason, so just overwriting it.

Covid, hoax. Global warming, hoax. Moon landing, hoax. Earth round, hoax. Trump sick, hoax. Don’t like it? Claim it’s a hoax.

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Libs are a hoax.

You’re right, I feel much better now. :wink:

BTW, this thread was necropsied apparently because one of our moderators may have been drunk on duty.

One of my posts was sent here, instead of to the “General slop” thread as was apparently intended.


Lay off the sauce while moderating. :smile: