Real leadership

How did he set race relations back to the 30 years? Other than making a bunch of white people uncomfortable?

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There always seems to be a tweet:

“Our country is totally fractured and, with our weak leadership in Washington, you can expect Ferguson type riots and looting in other places,” Trump tweeted on November 25, 2014.

Weak leadership from Washington indeed. Look at how many riots are happening on a daily basis now around the country.

Sorry…one cannot reclaim moral grounds once he or she lost it.

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Had his chance? The one that was on the receiving end of racist garbage for his entire presidency? The birherism, the effigy burning, talk radio making him a focal point of anger for the gun nuts of the the US? And now it’s being laid at his feet for where we are as a nation? This is insanity. This is a manifestation of the problem.


Much better than the current occupant IMO.

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You made the claim. If you can’t back it up, that’s on you.

Notice the huge spike under Obama?

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How is Obama responsible?

Out of the 25 -30 or so listed , 20 + were over police shootings, G20, white nationalist, Bundy Ranch etc…

Fanning it…was using division for political purposes/gains.

He was not better then looters and rioters. take advantage of situation for self serving purposes.

We’ll know in 4.5 years.

How is Trump?


How soon libs forget ferguson.

Leadership my ass :joy:

Sure, he had his chance.

Does it matter?

Or is demand for unity only applies to republican presidents?

Trying to justify one own hyprocricy does bold well now does it?

Libs only demand leadership when their opponents in in office.

That’s like demanding conservatives to be reasonable…lets be reasonable and compromise.

Same old same old.

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Barry soetoro may have left a more fractured presidency than we have thought.

The article below seems go lean toward Obama didnt do enough when he was president.

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For the rise in civil unrest during the Obama presidency? IDK. Doesn’t seem like a good question to be asking.

Biden met with Community Leaders at a predominantly black church this morning.

Trump yelled at governors.

Notice how only Obama or democrats can call em criminals and thugs…and libs cheered him.

Remember they wanted to use deadly force against those ranchers?

I was against it…same as I’m against using deadly force now. I do have to admit it’s trying times for me to hold that view after seeing what has unfolded last few days.

Libs take note…that’s what consistency looks like.

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