Reagan's daughter on what Reagan would think about what Trump is doing to America

Reagan was an anti-nuclear weapons activist after 1983.

He pushed the INF treaty for crying out loud. And had he been able to talk Gorbachev into it the current US/Russia stockpile would number only a few hundred warheads instead of thousands on both sides.

No one hated nuclear weapons and nuclear war more than Reagan after his “Road to Damascus” conversion. Able Archer ‘83 and the near Soviet overreaction changed him completely.

Patty Davis was at odds with her father when he was president. Only the low information crowd would give any weight to what she says.

It tickles their ears. They don’t care if she is telling the truth or not.

Ronald Reagan was not a conservative.

Especially in regards to the right to bear arms.

I admire Reagan in some ways but his anti-carry agenda while governor and as president will always be a stain on the man’s legacy.

On that last point, Reagan and Trump are polar opposites. You very rarely hear of Trump saying anything good about fellow republicans.

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Trump is not really a republican. He’s not really a politician. He’s just a disgrace.

He’s doing a fine job actually.

On that point only. They both seem to have a bit of populist in them.

Right…at 61 Patty Reagan is going to stand up there and make ■■■■ up about her dad. She was a liberal. Didn’t always agree with her dad…but she supported him…and what she is saying about his make up as president is not a liberal or conservative thing. Roxie, Gooddad and Cratic…stay classy as always.

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who was then?

Oh she has taken a number of cheap shots toward her dad over the years.

LOL…that’s rich. I’ve taken a number of cheap shots at my dad over the years. Does that mean I think any less of him? Does that mean I can’t speak about the kind of man he is? Does that mean I can’t at some point after his life is ended go out there and say what a great dad he was and talk to people about what I know to be his beliefs on things?

Your attitude about this is just sad.

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Presidents? None.

Similar feelings right back at you. :thinking:

Populism is nothing more than the ideology of the mob.

Racial and religious minorities such as myself rightfully distrust the populists.

Mob? That’s just plain silly. Populism in this case represents putting one’s country 1st rather than the globalist approach.

I don’t care if it’s the right or the left leading the populist goal. They are equally dangerous.

They are mob like in their mentality. I don’t trust any politician who pushes themselves as a populist. They could care less about the damage they bring minority populations. History is littered with their excesses.

Both Obama and Trump pushed themselves as populists. That’s one of the reasons I didn’t vote for either one.

And Obama, being a racial minority, should have known better.

Obama was no populist. He was a big time Globalist more than willing to put every other country 1st.

He was a populist for the left. He was ideologically a leftist through and through. At the time, the left enjoyed a numerical superiority in the organized class while also having more sympathy from the unorganized majority.

Trump, I have no clue what the hell he is. He’s completely all over the place.