Reagan's daughter on what Reagan would think about what Trump is doing to America

Trump has damaged minorities greatly so far with all time unemployment numbers for them.:roll_eyes:

all time low unemployment for them

It’s the danger of such things happening that make me not trust populist movement.

One only needs to look to Germany to realize that a population who does not adhere to their constitution and is willing to throw it away over personality is one that is dangerous.

And no, I’m not calling anyone a Nazi. Just pointing out my reasoning for distrusting movements based on the cult of personality.

I guess you believe the government’s fake employment numbers. People are saying real black unemployment is 30-40%.

Which is a good thing.

I’m willing to give Trump credit when he deserves it.

That’s clearly not happening here. Your fears are ill founded.

Eh, I’m a student of history and that makes me paranoid.

It’s the central reason I keep and am more than willing to bear arms if necessary. I don’t trust my fellow man farther than I can spit. An armed people is a free people. From the government and from each other.

I’m quite aware of history and have been around long enough to see a good bit of it. I can remember back to the Eisenhower days.

I see nothing to alarm me here.

Under Obama, there were a number of people on the right saying this was the end of democracy. Now that someone further right is President, those on the left are doing the same thing. The real difference is I believe, just from the posts in this forum if nothing else, is that a bigger percentage of the left is wigged out than happened with the right under Obama.

I’ve seen nothing like the unending tantrum the left is having over Trump.

They just can’t accept that he is president.

I have not seen that definition of populism. Populism is the common man versus the ruling elite/establishment. You’re describing nationalism.

I believe many believe that he is an insane moron genius who is about to take over the country in a dictatorship. Closest thing to it is the way they used to alternately accuse Reagan of being a mindless idiot who must surely know every detail of what is going on in his administration.

I’m not calling anyone a NAZI, just throwing the word out there to see if it sticks.
And how often I have seen others, not just myself, who say they don’t like Trump but agree with him on the issues. That is not a cult of personality. That was when you had mmm…mmmm…mmm…Obama.

I don’t think they believe that at all. They are just P.o.ed that Hillary lost. They thought they would never lose the presidency again.

Uh I had the same complaint about the left with Obama. They acted like he was the second coming of Christ.

The cult of personality crosses all ideologies and political persuasions. And it’s dangerous.

FDR has one and he was nearly out of control while in office. Americans aren’t immune to its effects.

You’re not a die hard Trumpist, either.

Some people are acting like he’s the savior of America. Which is just as stupid as when the left did that with Obama.

That is nationalism vs globalism. Populism is just appealing to the crowd,

Hillary was doomed from the start. She was a god awful choice. She’s an elitist scumbag who also happened to be a criminal.

The only thing I enjoyed about that ■■■■ show of an election was seeing her lose.

There’s some serious amnesia about how Obama was treated.

Reagan was a gentleman, so I think you are right. Actually the same can be said about GWB, I’m quite sure he doesn’t like Trump but has never publicly said anything that I can recall.

As for the 11th commandment, no one has broken that more than Trump.

Little Marco
Lyin Ted
Low Energy Jeb
Mr Magoo (for Jeff Sessions)

And attacking anyone who has criticized him, regardless of whether they are an R or D.