Reagan's daughter on what Reagan would think about what Trump is doing to America

Come on. It is her dad. I know what my dad would think of trump even if I hate his politics.

Her opinion is no less valid than yours.

Nope. Political insight is not in the DNA and she does not know. If she knows, let her prove it. You just want to believe it.


Celebrities? You must be referring to Reagan and trump.

You can “speak for your dad” if you always agreed with him.

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What are you even arguing about at this point?

I’m not going to tell you because then you might not agree with me.

Reagan was a two term governor of California. No comparison, other than the fact both were well known.

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Political insight isn’t really necessary to make a good guess on what a family member would say about a politician. That’s a tool that outsiders like ourselves can use to make educated assumptions. But the actual family who interacted with them for years and years doesn’t need to use such a crude tool.

You made a comment about celebrities…plural. Reagan was an actor. You know this.

Hey that’s cool. Didn’t know that. I take Michael much more seriously than Patty.


Not surprising. Republicans hate Reagan for being too liberal.

She interacted in a poor way when he was alive. She abused his memory in 2013 when she said her father would support HER position in favor of gay marriage…without evidence. She is using her father to push her agenda now.

He has had a few good things to say about Trump. Certainly not a “Never Trumper”.

Meh. You don’t have to agree with her.

Seems like he’s all over the place when it comes to Trump.

Despised him prior to the election.

Loved him following the last state of the union.

Then back to despising him.

I don’t know what Reagan would have thought of President Trump but I’m pretty sure if he disapproved we would have never heard it.

His 11th “commandment” I believe was to not speak ill of other republicans.

Reagan and Trump are totally different as Presidents. Reagan was much more disengaged and unable to converse tough questions without written responses. He was much more polished, poised and traditional too. I can never forgive him though for not enforcing the 1986 immigration act. One side got everything they wanted and the side he supposedly represented got screwed and here “we” are again fighting the same illegal immigration battle. If I could combine Reagans polish with Trump’s get ur done mentality, “we” would have the greatest POTUS of all time that would pull both sides together.