Racism? Of course not

I think we are about the same age.
Sure, racism was taught as a bad thing. The lack of how racism was involved in so many aspects of our history, and how many horrific tragedies occurred, after slavery was made unlawful…was never mentioned in the schools I attended.

Have I? Quote it.

Progs do.

Correct, despite the attempts at ever changing definitions. “Institutional” is intentional vague - critical theorists are not stupid. They are consistent.

On this topic, consistently wrong would be more accurate.

Oh, you haven’t heard?


Wow they didn’t teach you about Jim Crow or lynchings? Pretty crappy school you went to. Explains a lot.


You want to use government schools to address racism in the private sector? Surely not.

How does the history of US slavery address racism against Asians and Latinos?

Education in the schools now…older racists will not be moved by any education.
Needs to start at a young age. And continue through the education process.

But we see, when that is suggested, like the 1619 project…it gets attacked, because it makes white people look bad. Well, we were pretty damn bad.

As far as exercising racists rights (that is an odd phrase), go for it. As long as they are not violent, or do not break any discrimination laws, one would probably just be mocked and/or shunned. I do prefer racists to make themselves known.

Overt institutional racism only wields it’s ugly head ever so often.

You want to use government schools to address racism in the private sector? After admitting this?

Surely you jest.

You downplay racism often here. If you are going to deny that…nothing I post will change that.

Am I the only one? Can you guys see this?

And then there’s this:

Is or is not indoctrination authoritarianism/ fascism?

You don’t speak for “white people”.

Permission to exercise an admitted right, with caveats galore. But not authoritarian. “Liberal”. :rofl:


Quote it.

Name one in your lifetime.

State indoctrination of children… now where have I heard that before…


I do have a life, and I do not see every story.

I do not agree with the FBI conducting warrantless searches, as described in the article. However, the idea that they can use the “backdoor” searches for foreign terrorists, as lawful, but does not include domestic terrorists, needs to be changed.

Not just RW domestic terrorists, any domestic terrorists. There are some whacked out lefties that could cause problems as well.

Of course they taught about Jim Crow and lynchings…there was a whole lot more that they missed. I learned more on my own, as I got older, reading and watching/listening to documentaries and books.

Surely yes.

We can walk and chew gum at the same time. All racism can be addressed.

Not authoritarian/fascist?

I do not think people should be arrested, or disciplined for their thoughts.

Just their children indoctrinated.


Well, for some. Education, is considered authoritarianism.