Quit saying the FBI lied!

John Mitchell and Harry Daughtery for starters.

Who cares what they say. What does the Constitution say?

It doesn’t work that way.

It says that the executive branch, of which the DOJ is a part, is subject to congressional oversight.

Quote it if you dare.


It makes you wonder why the Founding Fathers tasked the Executive Branch to enforce the law, without giving them the power to apprehend our most wanted like…crooked Hillary. After 3 years, she’s still on the lamb, yet the fake news is able to keep in touch with her. If this doesn’t prove the near omnipotent power of the deep state, what will? [/sarc]

You’re correct but those FBI lawyers and Agennts represented the FBI, not themselves to the FISA court.

Political privilege. The people who would have made the case against her were working on her behalf.

There is always a GOP excuse for Trump failure except Trump himself.


Why do peps on the left trust the FBI but think the city and local police are bad, and in many cases racist? They both are government organizations who took an oath to serve and protect.

Organizations are responsible for the actions of their agents and officers. That is why corporations can face criminal charges, not just individual employees and officers.

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People on the right were very Pro-FBI before Trump became President.

There has been literally nothing stopping the Trump admin and doj from investigating and bringing appropriate charges over the last three years if there were actually charges to bring.

So what’s the holdup? Is Trump part of the deep State as well, or is he just too inept, or is there no “there” there to begin with?

The excuses are running thin at this point.

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“We conducted an internal investigation and found no fault of our own.” :man_shrugging:

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Were you expecting Trump to personally serve the warrant and slap on the cuffs?

They support the FBI as long as the FBI isn’t investigating democrats, democrat donors, or democrat causes/organizations.

Remember the near riot when they started looking into Jackson’s “Rainbow Coalition” and others?


We still are, we’re just anti bad cop, dirty cop, and corrupt lawyers, particularly those who falsify evidence and lie to get warrants.

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Right, the people supporting Hillary and Opposing Trump are going to go after Hillary. Makes perfect sense.

Worse than that. If you listen to what Horrowitz actually said it boils down to, “they weren’t dumb enough to admit to it or leave a paper trail explicitly stating their bias driving the investigation”.