Quit saying the FBI lied!

Trump’s DOJ supports Hillary and opposes Trump? Well, that’s news to just about everyone.

Did you read the post to which you just replied?

You don’t seem to understand the process very well.

Investigations and arrests are the purview of the FBI.

If he asked for a special prosecutor to be appointed to investigate the Clintons the damned democrats would riot and we all know it.

No they weren’t.

I was just thinking the same thing about you.

Over which Trump-appointee Wray presides.

And that’s why Barr tasked Durham with investigating the FBI, or how the Trump admin appointed Mueller…because only the FBI can investigate and bring charges, right? :rofl::rofl:

When has that EVER stopped Trump or the GOP from doing anything? And again, how did that stop them from appointing Durham to investigate?

I’m not and never was. ■■■■ the FBI.

Wray doesn’t run investigations, he’s the head of the Bureau, a literal bureaucrat/manager.

Speaking of which there is an ongoing investigation or did you forget?


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I’m not anti FBI but I’m also no pro FBI…and I’ve been consistent for decade and half here.

Like all things…power will corrupt.

And this case shows exactly that which everyone who opposed the creation of the FISA courts had good reason.

Power, particularly power to act in the shadows will always be abused.


Did you look at the date of the article?

Yes. Is there another showing the investigation is over?


What sort of asinine ■■■■■■■■■■■■■ is this? "Trump just has the head of the bureau, an AG acting as his personal attorney, but it’s those damned democrats stopping him from investigating Hillary!

Well that’s pure partisan BS. Tell us another windy while you’re on a roll.

Do you have a story based on a direct, non-anonymous source?

What’s really interesting about this is that another poster, just last year, told me something big was going down in Little Rock, but for the last year, has been avoiding answering for what that was. Now that I’ve read your article, it appears this is what was being referenced.

But it’s been over 2 years (the article is nearly 2 years old, and it says the investigation had already been going on for months). That’s longer than the Mueller investigation took. IF there ever was an investigation into the Clinton Foundation-as your article is backed by anonymous sources-they’re sure taking their sweet time. Chances are, it will just be another nothingberder.

It’s taken the house 3 years of investigating to come up with 2 phony articles of impeachment.

The investigations of Bill and Hillary in the 90’s went on for over four years before they finally had a slam dunk on violations of the law while in office.

Federal investigations move at the speed of bureaucracy.

We’d all love to hear how the R-controlled House abdicated their power to the Ds for the first two years of the Trump presidency for this to actually be true.


Wait wait, let’s rephrase this to be accurate:

Fishing expeditions by investigators of the Clinton in the 90s went on for 4 years before Ken Starr’s fishing expedition helped lead to a slam dunk process crime against Clinton while in office.

I don’t recall you suggesting Trump and the GOP should simmer down while spending months complaining that Mueller’s investigation was taking too long. Maybe I missed it.

It’s been two+ years, and we’ve heard nothing from the ALLEGED investigation. So why are you relying on a story about investigations that has anonymous sources backing it? There may not even be an investigation in Little Rock. Are anonymous sources cool with you now?


That’s a whole lot of bandwidth for a long winded deflection.

They are investigating, we’ll see what they turn up.

Somebody in the FBI lied and or manipulated for somebody’s end game. So what should be the correct narrative so as to not hurt anybody’s feelings?

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The only deflection here is you avoiding directly addressing facts that obliterate the blubbering you’re doing all over this thread right now.

You haven’t even proven an investigation is taking place. You’ve provided one anonymous source. Shall we take a little trip down memory lane regarding your prior treatment of anonymous sources?


So back to the original point, which you’ve yet to refute-either Trump is part of the deep state, or he’s too castrated and helpless to push back against corruption, or he’s just too stupid and inept to do the job.


I knew he was a charlatan. I just wonder if the people chanting “lock her up” at the rallies knew it.